Jerusalem Municipality demolishes Gan Hamelech illegal building
First demolition of illegal building in area after more than decade when dozens of illegal buildings in Gan Hamelech left standing.
First demolition of illegal building in area after more than decade when dozens of illegal buildings in Gan Hamelech left standing.
MK: Illegal Arab construction is taking over half of historic Jerusalem; PM does nothing to stop it.
Plans to develop the King's Garden area will continue despite Arab riots , says Jerusalem City Council member Edna Freidman, and all will benefit.
UN appointee termed by Israeli ambassador as not "impartial or objective” warns that Israeli actions in Jerusalem could amount to war crimes.
Barak, visiting the United States, sides with the American government and opposes Jerusalem’s proposed park.
The US said Monday it is “concerned over Jerusalem’s plan to destroy illegally built Arab homes to make way for a park." PA: A dangerous step.
City wishes to retroactively legalize ¾ of the Arab houses built in the King’s Garden area. The plan rec'd zoning and planning committee approval.