
Jordan River Ecology

News and updates about Jordan River Ecology

A Two State Solution – but on both sides of the River Jordan

Palestine is a lie, swallowed by the ignoramuses in direct proportion to the number of times it has been repeated. It is a fraudulent history of a fraudulent people in a fraudulent land. There has never in all of recorded history existed an independent, sovereign Arab nation called Palestine. Op-ed.

A Two State Solution – but on both sides of the River Jordan

Rabbi Zera simply had to enter Eretz Yisrael - right away

He could not find a ferry, so he crossed the Jordan, then a mighty river, on a rope bridge so as not to miss the chance to enter the land.

Rabbi Zera simply had to enter Eretz Yisrael - right away

7 New nature reserves approved

Naftali Bennett approves 7 new nature reserves in area C

Defense Minister Nafrali Bennett approves 7 new nature reserves in Area C and expansion of 12 existing reserves in Judea and Samaria

Naftali Bennett approves 7 new nature reserves in area C