Jerusalem Marathon:
Record-setting race ends, winners announced
Noa Berkman named winner of Jerusalem Marathon women's race; Melkamu Jember, 33, wins men's race.
Noa Berkman named winner of Jerusalem Marathon women's race; Melkamu Jember, 33, wins men's race.
34-year-old Kiprotich Noah Nigen wins the 12th annual Jerusalem Winner Marathon with a time of 2 hours 18 minutes 13 seconds.
A Ukrainian woman left the war zone her country had become to break the record for the Jerusalem marathon.
Beatie Deutsch, mother of 5 and a resident of Jerusalem, takes first place in Jerusalem's half-marathon.
Running through 3,000 years of history: 10th annual Jerusalem 'Winner' Marathon to be held on October 29th.
Thousands run for Team Shalva in the 2019 Jerusalem Marathon.
Watch: 1,500 runners join Team Shalva in Jerusalem Marathon to benefit special needs children.
More than 35,000 runners from 72 countries take part in Jerusalem Marathon, leading to road closures across the city.
Over 1,500 runners will run special segments of the Jerusalem Marathon in support of "Shalva".
Olympic medalist Ori Sasson and rehabilitating soldier Yehuda Yitzhak Hayisraeli lead 'Team Shalva' at the Jerusalem Marathon.
'Running through these same streets with pride, not fear, is a powerful statement that terrorism won’t succeed.'
OU Yachad runners in Jerusalem marathon raise $500,000 for special needs English-speaking children in Israel.
Over 30,000 runners participated in the seventh Jerusalem Marathon, marking 50 years since unification of the City.
Haredi extremists threaten to force police's hand at marathon in protest of detention of draft dodger.
Hundreds of extremist haredim protest around the country after haredi draft dodger arrested on Purim.
Tel Aviv to stage its annual marathon on Friday. Jerusalem will follow three weeks later.
Record numbers signed up from around the world for 7th annual Jerusalem International Marathon, to be held on 17 March 2017.
Catch all the action as runners from around the world compete in the Holy City, and prove 'terror will not defeat us.'
Regular transportation arrangements for special education children will not operate, students will have to stay at home - parents outraged.
Group of IDF Givati Brigade soldiers to take part in Jerusalem Marathon for Kav L'Noar charity, helping children at risk.
2,000 soldiers from Givati Brigade will team up with teenagers who participate in Kav L'Noar programs.
Over 26,000 runners, 60 countries represented, and 60 leading international media crews on hand - the Jerusalem marathon has begun.
Some 100 Arabs unsuccessfully try to disrupt the annual Jerusalem Marathon because of its going through eastern Jerusalem.
Roland Kimeli Kurgat beats previous record by 19 seconds. Mayor Nir Barkat praises large turnout.
Three years ago Kay Wilson was stabbed 13 times in a brutal attack which killed her friend - today she's running the Jerusalem Marathon.
Roads closed throughout the Holy City Friday as runners race to compete in fourth annual event.
L’Chaim Run/Walk for Israel took place in New York on Sunday. The winner: A non-Jew who is a great supporter of Israel.
The father of two brothers accused of bombing the Boston Marathon has been hospitalized, preventing his departure for the United States.
President Obama heads to Boston to mourn victims of the deadly marathon attacks, as investigators attempt to find those responsible.
There have been conflicting reports as to whether a suspect has been arrested in the Boston Marathon bombing.
With a heat wave hitting Israel, the main event of the Tel Aviv Marathon, scheduled for Friday, will be postponed for at least a week
Gaza's third international marathon has been cancelled after Hamas refused to allow women to participate.
Jerusalem-blue skies graced the filmed run of more than 20,000 racers from 52 countries in the Jerusalem Winner Int'l Marathon Friday.
PLO claims involvement in the Jerusalem Marathon implies acceptance of Israel's “illegal annexation” of eastern Jerusalem.
The Jerusalem marathon will leave many preschool teachers unable to reach work, may disrupt daycare.
The Palestinian Authority warned Israel not to use the Jerusalem Marathon as an attempt to “Judaize” the city
The Jerusalem Marathon is expected to see a record number of runners who will infuse the local economy with millions of shekels.
Arab countries follow Hamas' lead and announce a boycott of Adidas because it sponsored the Jerusalem Marathon.
Hamas organizes demonstration against Adidas, over its sponsorship of the Jerusalem Marathon. Participants burn Adidas shirts.
The Jerusalem marathon kicks off with 15,000 runners from 50 countries participating.
The 2013 Jerusalem Marathon has been moved up two weeks, citing "professional recommendations." This year's race starts in two weeks.
Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat holds press conference the air.
“We will bring an international marathon to Jerusalem in 2011," vowed Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat after participating in the New York race Sunday.