The dignity they so rightly deserve
Obama’s equivalency between American notions of justice, tolerance and human dignity to that found in Muslim countries was quite simply shocking. And Harris is going down the same road. Opinion.
Obama’s equivalency between American notions of justice, tolerance and human dignity to that found in Muslim countries was quite simply shocking. And Harris is going down the same road. Opinion.
Why wait for genocidal Iran to have nukes? Opinion.
And what we learn from Shakespeare’s Shylock. Op-ed.
While Jews in Israel fight an active military and terrorist war, Jews in the Diaspora fight a culture war which is getting harder and harder to win. Op-ed.
Ridicule is what these young anti-Israel "useful idiots" deserve. And so does the Hague. Laughing at them is much better than getting angry at them. Opinion.
Hearing what few facts have emerged about the state of the hostages after more than 100 days of the most evil torture, which is beyond our imaginations, who cannot grieve? What will we say on Holocaust Remembrance Day? Op-ed.
After more than 20 years of Palestinian Arab rocket attacks from Gaza,, are Israeli military operations "offensive" or "defensive"? Opinion.
Hopefully, naivety will be a casualty of the Hamas War. Children in a playground can be naive - but our world is no playground. Op-ed.
For far too long, Zionism has been stuck in a defensive mode. Op-ed.
A dozen years after a Hamas attack on a school bus, peace-loving Kibbutz Sa'ad sees more evil. Op-ed.
Germany itself might soon be faced with a demand to create a two-state solution for its growing Muslim population. Op-ed.
How can allegations of collective punishment or disproportionality be made in the absence of any discussion of the crimes of Hamas? Op-ed.
Past, present and future of the secular-haredi and religious Zionist divide.Op-ed
There is a bizarre transition in America from suporting liberty, non-violence and justice to submission to evil ideologies. Op-ed.
The basic fact is that no Arab terrorist acts alone; but is incited to genocidal murder by the entire.structure of Palestinian society.Op-ed
“Jewish heritage” seems to be the ancestral ties of those who otherwise have little or no connection to Jewish religion or values. Op-ed.
One played the part of a brave cowboy and one really was a brave cowboy. Which one does today's Israel resemble? Op-ed.
No matter the joy of the modern Habakkuk, we see today's Babylonians, the evil so-called Palestinians, again murder our best people.
Israel manifests a social resilience in a nation that is far from giving up or rejecting the Jewish role in history, despite terror. Op-ed
We have the opportunity to make the post-Ukraine world a better one with better values and ideologies and leadership by better people. Op-ed
Israel is facing some potentially catastrophic challenges and a government crisis at the same time. America's government is unpopular Op-ed.
Can we compare how the Israelis counter the demoralizing effects of terrorism and how Ukrainians counter the effects of the invasion? Op-ed.
Does boycotting a country as the Olympic venue differ from shunning an athlete from that or any other country? Op-ed.
I predict the Rabbi will become an even stronger advocate of kindness to Islamists who might be embedded in the “entire community.”.Op-ed.
Why, as the Atlantic asked recently, is Hollywood still hiring Mel Gibson, whose Passion of the Christ movie reeks with antisemitism? Op-ed.
Those of us living outside Israel should not counsel Israelis in the line of fire, but here are two stories about that boiling water.Op-ed.
Renowned, talented singer-songwriter Billy a prototype of what has happened to American Jewry's baby boomers. Opinion.
The past cannot alter the present. Holocaust museums have not affected young Islamists who don’t believe it occurred. And the future?Op-ed..
Taking the long view of history as we must requires us to specify key events in the culture war by Islamism against the West. Op-ed.
There is no other country that AP subjects to such obvious journalistic lies, so we can consider AP to be an antisemitic organization.Op-ed.
Toleration of evil is not a Jewish value. In the 1967 War, tolerism led to a key mistake by a top Israeli General.Op-ed.
Younger journalists reflect critical theory and relativism popularized in universities and among leftist and Islamist politicians. Op-ed.
We are in a war for the hearts and minds of children. Op-ed.
Archaeology and recorded history prove Jewish indigenous status. You cannot settle your own land or occupy it. Denial is antisemitism..Op-ed
Sometimes it takes a few pogroms to drive home the solution, inducing Diaspora Jews to make Aliyah as their forebears left Europe. Op-ed.
It will be up to Israeli generals and politicians to decide if response to rockets and control of Arab rioters preclude another front. Op-ed
France and the USA are struggling with moral and cultural relativism critical race theory and equity” not “equality” before the Law. Op-ed.
No media want to say that the store was Jewish and the shooter an Islamist. So is America any better for the Jews than ancient Egypt? Op-ed
Are US leftists, so enamoured of the supposed victims of racism, creating an antisemitic Stockholm Syndrome of “domestic terrorists”? Op-ed.
Miri Aloni and Ehud Olmert may display masochism in believing Israel's enemies, but most Israelis know better. Does the West? Opinion.
The Democrats did not seek Justice, but to avenge Trump’s threat to their elites in msm, in bureaucracy, and their politicians. Op-ed.
Falsely accused racists are the new Jews. Anything is justified against them. How long till political exterminationism gets physical? Op-ed.
Unlike the summer protests/riots by young thugs, this protest was done by an older crowd, with very few storming the building. Op-ed.
The NYT went from Hanukkah in the eyes of a clueless assimilated Jew two years ago to the holiday in the eyes of a non-Jew this year.Op-ed.
Promoting lies against politicians helps prepare the way for lies against Jews. What do we know about the neuroscience of lying? Op-ed.
Many liberal academics preach that violence is due to our lack of tolerance for the "root causes" of that violence, so anything goes. Op-ed.
Leftistt emigrants who spent the last 4 years loudly hating America, may find that they have caused other countries to feel the same. Op-ed.
Public fantasies are behind 3 years of political libel reflecting not hatred of 1 man, but of American democracy and the rule of law..Op-ed.
The NYT, is an anti-Israel paper still read by so many Jews that it must share the blame for the decline in their support.for Israel. Op-ed.
To learn to deal with terror and protect our citizens, stop criticizing Israel and realize that we must never get tired of winning.Op-ed.
There has to be an active fight for social cohesion, impossible as that may seem, or America is doomed. Israel has managed to do it. Op-ed.