
Hillel Fendel

News and updates about Hillel Fendel

Approaching aliya - youthfully

How to solve, all at once, the difficulties of Aliyah: acculturation, making a living, learning the language, making friends, and more.Op-ed

Approaching aliya - youthfully

Yitzchak Herskovitz, Land of Israel Fighter, passes at 91

He fought an 18-year legal battle, up to the Supreme Court, and retained a prime piece of Jerusalem real estate for the Jewish People.

Yitzchak Herskovitz, Land of Israel Fighter, passes at 91

The modern day siege of Jerusalem and how we can overcome it

Creeping Arab expansion is strangling urban development, much like the Babylonian siege forcefully imposed upon Jerusalem long ago.Op-ed.

The modern day siege of Jerusalem and how we can overcome it

The EU's basic error

Is the European Union serious? Report.

The EU's basic error

Blaming Israel, not Muslims, for Christian woes

As some Christian leaders in Israel blame Jews for diminishing Christian numbers in the Holy Land, the true culprit goes unnamed. Op-ed.

Blaming Israel, not Muslims, for Christian woes

10 good reasons NOT to reopen another US Consulate in Jerusalem

Prime Minister Bennett must make it clear to President Biden that Israel will not allow the U.S. to reopen its Jerusalem consulate.Op-ed.

10 good reasons NOT to reopen another US Consulate in Jerusalem

A 'youthful' approach to Aliyah

How to solve, all at once, the difficulties of Aliyah: acculturation, making a living, learning the language, making friends, and more.

A 'youthful' approach to Aliyah

In Defense of the Rabbis' Ruling

In Defense of the Rabbis' Ruling

NY Times Israel Bashing

 NY Times Israel Bashing

The Solution for Sderot

The Solution for Sderot

Allah's Warriors: How Islam Distorted the Torah

Allah's Warriors: How Islam Distorted the Torah

Olmert Has No Gov't Without Shas and Agudat Yisrael!

 Olmert Has No Gov't Without Shas and Agudat Yisrael!

If You Will It...

 If You Will It...