When to storm the heavens, part I
Making personal requests in the weekday Sh’moneh Esrei [1] – Part 1
Making personal requests in the weekday Sh’moneh Esrei [1] – Part 1
Since the fast begins at sh’kiah (halakhic sunset), all of the restrictions of the fast day begin at that time.
Chazal assure us that whoever properly observes the customs of mourning over Yerushalayim will witness the joy of its reconstruction.
In this article, we discuss the many parts of the tefilah of weekday Shacharis that follow Barchu – until the end of the weekday Shacharis.
All food needs a kosher for Passover certification, but there are things that do not. A helpful list.
How to clean for Pesach, perform the search for leaven the night before the Seder, burn the chametz, and choose your matzot.
One of the four fasts mourning the Temple's destruction, today marks the day the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem began.
In Israel we began saying the prayer for rain in the Silent Prayer weeks before it is said in the Diaspora.. What happens if we forget?
When buying a lulav, it is a good idea to have someone knowledgeable to help, but it is also important to be familiar with the rules below.