For July 4th:
America's never-ending War of Indepedence
On the Fourth of July, as Americans celebrate 248 years of independence from the yoke of the British monarchy, it is a good time to reflect on that country’s freedom.
On the Fourth of July, as Americans celebrate 248 years of independence from the yoke of the British monarchy, it is a good time to reflect on that country’s freedom.
Rebbe Yehoshua Ben Levi taught that only those involved in Torah study are truly free. How?
Shavuot is the festival when we celebrate the receiving of the Torah and, in the words of the late Chief Rabbi Sacks zt”l, we celebrate being “free to” live a Jewish life.
Being a slave to man can not coexist with the servitude to God.
Follow in the ways of Avraham Avinu - make sure that every day of our sefira, is truly ‘ours’ - that we have given it content, by serving Hashem.
This letter was signed by over 100 environmental activists in Israel.
What is the nature of the freedom we uphold as a central Jewish value? Op-ed.
Rabbi Kook: 'If my body is weak, should my soul also suffer?
We are beholden only to G-d. Nothing else. No one can take our freedom from us. Only we can take it from ourselves.- and how to avoid that.
On Seder Night we are to teach are children that their future lies not in New York or Florida, but in our own Jewish Homeland. Op-ed.
Mike Lindell discusses effort to aid Canadian demonstrators, and his bank's moves to cut ties with him due to his being a 'reputation risk.'
Tucker Carlson says Canadian leaders are trying to intimidate truckers over their protest.
Tucker: The dividing line is not between Republican and Democrat, but those for a free America and those for an authoritarian America.
'Evil ideologies shape our thinking even when we think we’re resisting them,' said David Mills. Op-ed.
Heine said that since the Exodus, freedom has always spoken with a Hebrew Accent - and America was founded as the land of freedom. Op-ed.
This Pesach we will have no trouble feeling as if we have just left Egypt - as we sit with family once more and thank G-d for this chesed.
Have a conversation with friends and check how many minutes it takes before the talk turns to corona. Change that mindset and feel free..
This reminder is not about cleaning your closets but about preparing your soul.
Sky News host Gary Hardgrave says it has become pretty clear the 'rank Left' hate the public having freedom or any notion of national unity.
'If it sounds like conspiracy theory, consider this: Noach was called a conspiracy theorist for 150 years until it started raining.' Opinion
Numbers separates the slave-generation which left Egypt from the free desert-generation. Which generation are we?
Hate is the deformed byproduct of ignorance. We must educate ourselves on the struggles our neighbors faced and they must learn ours.Op-ed.
Mobileye’s car seen navigating complex driving environment rich with pedestrians, unguarded intersections, delivery vehicles, and more.
At summer session's end, Freedom Index results published from last Knesset session. Among parties, Likud leads list.
Global Freedom Index rankings show sharp decline in freedom overall, with Syria the least free country on record for 2014.
As the Festival of Freedom approaches, Jewish outreach organization Aish HaTorah asks: what is freedom anyway?
New bill against religious symbols in public workplaces is stirring up controversy for 'breaching freedom of religion.'
The Polish parliament is reportedly set to amend the law on the protection of animals to allow kosher slaughter without stunning.
A Saudi women’s rights activist filed a lawsuit against interior ministry over a decree banning women from obtaining driving licenses.
Joan Rivers created a disturbance, comparing Cosco wholesale store to the Nazi party. ADL calls remarks "deeply offensive."
An Orthodox rabbi is suing Pennsylvania’s Board of Funeral Directors, accusing it of violating religious freedom.