Israel Conducts ‘Fly-Out’ for Flotilla Activists
Israel has turned the tables on flotilla activists and is conducting a “fly-out” deportation of activists who tried to sail to Gaza Wednesda
Israel has turned the tables on flotilla activists and is conducting a “fly-out” deportation of activists who tried to sail to Gaza Wednesda
Flytilla organizers held a press conference in Jerusalem claiming success for their failed endeavor and saying they plan to try again.
The “fly-in” activists intended to hold symbolic “returns” to pre-1948 Arab villages.
Photographers almost outnumber fly-in activists at Ben Gurion airport as Israel’s diplomatic efforts stymie the air and sea pro-Arab protests.
The “fly-in flotilla” fizzles as most are barred from flights. Ben Gurion Airport stays on alert; 6 deported.
Few incidents as dozens of overnight flights arrive, “fly-in” may have fizzled like its naval counterpart.
European authorities have blocked anarchists from joining the "fly-in" into Israel's Ben Gurion International Airport.
Three activists arrested at Ben Gurion as police, Border Police and journalists await arrival of anti-Israel activists.
The International Solidarity Movement and other left-wing groups are planning the massive fly-in this week to stir up unrest in Judea and Samaria.
As Israel prepares for Friday’s ‘fly in’ to Ben Gurion Airport, Minister Edelstein says Israel is prepared for any scenario.
Hundreds of pro-Arab activists planning to storm Israel's Ben Gurion Airport on Friday. Israel is preparing.