
Elizabeth II

News and updates about Elizabeth II

British Queen Hospitalized For First Time In Ten Years

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II has been admitted to the hospital for the first time in 10 years.

British Queen Hospitalized For First Time In Ten Years

Why Has the Queen Never Visited Israel?

Prof. Robert Wistrich of the Hebrew University tries to explain why Queen Elizabeth has not visited Israel in the past 60 years.

Why Has the Queen Never Visited Israel?

British Chief Rabbi Sacks Sends Mazel Tov to Queen

British Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks sent a special “mazel tov” prayer to Queen Elizabeth, commemorating her 60th year as Her Majesty.

British Chief Rabbi Sacks Sends Mazel Tov to Queen

Muslim Extremist to Queen Elizabeth: 'Off with Your Head'

British Muslim hate preacher Anjem Choudary has called for prosecuting Queen Elizabeth for genocide for “massacring” Afghanis.

Muslim Extremist to Queen Elizabeth: 'Off with Your Head'