Jewish Home MK: Bennett 'Acted as if Everyone Was Invisible'
Slomiansky gives unusually harsh words for Bennett over Ohana appointment, saying he lacked humility in springing decision on party.
Slomiansky gives unusually harsh words for Bennett over Ohana appointment, saying he lacked humility in springing decision on party.
Despite what people may think in the wake of the Eli Ohana “incident,” Jewish Home is still a religious party, said Rabbi Tzefania Drori.
Jewish Home chairman says the failed attempt to sign up soccer legend Eli Ohana taught him that his power has limits.
Likud edges out Labor; 53% of voters negatively influenced by Bennett's soccer post as Jewish Home drops to 14.
Kalfa resigned to protest appointment of inexperienced secular soccer player Ohana, who resigned - but now Bennett won't let him return.
Reno Tzror's interview of Yinon Magal quickly deteriorates into shouting-match, prompting Tzror to kick Magal off the broadcast.
With Eli Ohana off the Jewish Home list, key figures in the Religious Zionist community said they could once again support the party.
Including former soccer star Eli Ohana on the Jewish Home list was 'the right thing to do,' says party chairman Naftali Bennett.
Former soccer star Eli Ohana informs Jewish Home chairman Naftali Bennett of his withdrawal from list; MK Zevulun Kalfa returns.
In emergency meeting senior MKs attack Bennett's decision, warn of threats to pull support over process of turning into 'Likud B.'
Jewish Home chief says past day was the toughest of his political career - but defends inclusion of ex-soccer star in party list.
Temple Institute head Rabbi Ariel slams ex-soccer player's addition to Jewish Home list, laments 'factionalism' of religious-Zionist public.
Jewish Home chairman responds to criticism over his recruiting former soccer player Eli Ohana to the party.
Former Beitar Jerusalem player Eli Ohana in the past supported the Disengagement from Gaza but claims: "I woke up to reality."