Will Ahmed Al-Sharaa be assassinated?
Ahmed Al-Sharaa, also known as Abu Mohammadal-Julani, boasted about his organization's ability to provide him necessary protection. One must question what abilities Al-Sharaa relies upon. Opinion
Ahmed Al-Sharaa, also known as Abu Mohammadal-Julani, boasted about his organization's ability to provide him necessary protection. One must question what abilities Al-Sharaa relies upon. Opinion
Israel’s current strategy appears to have been highly effective. It combines targeting both leadership and infrastructure of Iranian-backed militias. Opinion.
Does the Iranian regime favor tactical silence and temporary disengagement while concentrating on accelerating its nuclear program’s militarization? Opinion.
The Iranian regime realizes that it faces the most dangerous war entrapment in its history. Op-ed.
It is evident that the Iranian regime has been extremely keen to avoid raising doubts about the incident from its very onset. But that does not rule out analysis and conjecture. Opinion.
UAE is attacked for its principles but stands firm. Opinion.
The Iranians are well aware of the extent of Israeli superiority in the field of intelligence and information and that assassination attempts could be directed against key Iranian leaders at a time when Iran is weak internally. Op-ed.
Neither side is making any military breakthroughs, the war is stagnating and it seems that the only breakthrough that can resolve the situation lies in a political and diplomatic movement, not a military one. Op-ed.
We followed how Ismail Haniyeh, one of the leaders of the terrorist Hamas, visited Tehran after the October 7th massacre. Opinion.
The Arab countries of the Middle East and Israel are all paying the price of Western negligence in confronting the Iranian threat. Opinion.
Iran has cornered everyone in a critical corner, and we, as observers, believe that it is seeking to ignite a regional or world war.
Iran not only supplied Hamas with essential components and technology, it played a role in training Hamas engineers and technicians.Op-ed.
The world is in a state of increasing polarization and struggles for leadership. China's message is that it is in the fight. Op-ed.
Western confusion plays right into Putin's hands, as his Wagner Group continues to help Russia reach its foreign policy objectives. Op-ed.
It appears there is a firm Western, particularly American, stance committed to the strategic defeat of Russia. Op-ed.
The Jeddah meeting marks a significant strategic milestone that reflects Saudi Arabia’s new direction. Op-ed.
The Gulf countries are trying to counter Iran by teaming up with it, due to the weak, hesitant US stance against Iranian threats. Op-ed.
A prognosis for the Wagner Group which has evolved into a pillar of Russian foreign policy, particularly in Africa and the Mideast. Op-ed.
The aspiration of the US to neutralize Russia in case of clash with China is in contrast to its fears of a broken Russia.Op-ed.
What is unfolding in Sudan follows a pattern witnessed in other Arab countries - a no-win, destructive inter-Arab conflict.Op-ed.
The parties pledged to protect civilians and ensure their safe passage out of conflict areas.. But there is no supervision mechanism. Op-ed.
Diminishing media attention for the Ukraine crisis is an anomaly compared to other global crises as it is a priority amonng leaders.Op-ed.
France is advocating for Europe to be a “third pole” independent of Washington and Beijing - and is meeting resistance. Op-ed
Iran is eager to outmaneuver Israel, working to forge a regional coalition, but it needs internal consensus for its plans to work. Op-ed.
Newsweek magazine confirmed that the Chinese have a plan to end the long and drawn out war in Ukraine. Op-ed.
NATO is mulling the possibility of Russia achieving its goals in Ukraine and China taking a similar military step towards Taiwan. Op-ed.
The acquisition of Western tanks by Ukraine has a symbolic significance that outweighs their operational impact. Op-ed.
Biden is no longer interested in an agreement that gives Iran a political victory and deepens rifts between the US and its Mid-East allies,.
An unprecedented political and parliamentary scandal undermines the credibility of the entire European parliamentary establishment. Op-ed.
The Iraqi leadership is fully aware of the reality of what Iran is doing to their country, but can do nothing about it. Op-ed.
The ceiling of protests has risen and gone beyond the demand for the abolition of the vice police and the rejection of its practices. Op-ed.
Via the UN,Tehran is creating a cover for a broad military intervention in Iraq, ostensibly to pursue Kurdish militias. Op-ed.
Iran has achieved qualitative breakthroughs in its strategy of moving the battle beyond its borders, both in weaponry and subversion.Op-ed.
Borell divides the world into gardens and jungles, with all the hostility that this means for the idea of international cooperation. Op-ed.
Forced linkage of the Abraham peace agreement with the Iran nuclear deal is directly informed by Iranian propaganda, Op-ed.
The skepticism from the European side is long overdue. But the fuel issue gets in the way. Op-ed.
The deal itself is not what worries the Gulf States and Israel. It is what has happened to US strategic resolve.
Understanding how both sides, Iranian and US, are fighting to portray the signing of the agreement as a political victory at home. Op-ed.
Talk of an energy crisis in Europe is no longer just speculation, but reality. Russia refuses payment in euros. Op-ed.
Zawahiri’s death and the unveiling of his presence in Kabul certainly put the Afghan movement under the spotlight. Op-ed.
Iran has a much larger nuclear program than it had in 2015. This growth is not only quantitative, but also qualitative.Op-ed.
Biden's visit to Israel and Saudi Arabia seen through UAE eyes accentuating the positive, worried about Putin's planned visit to Iran.Op-ed.
It’s not about making a comeback in the region, but about correcting US policy errors, from the signing of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. Op-ed
Dealing with the Iranian threat will only succeed if the regime senses the threat of a military strike or a popular overthrow. Op-ed.
Behind the trend is necessity, but also the close correlation between energy prices and the popularity of politicians in ballot boxes. Op-ed
The UAE cannot completely disengage from the Palestinian Arab conflict with Israel, but it views it from a realistic perspective. Op-ed.
Iran’s main threat is not nuclear technology, but its plans for regional domination, enabled by its dangerout missile program.Op-ed.
The US may want to take advantage of the situation to defeat Russia, one of its biggest strategic rivals. That means all-out WWIII.Op-ed.
Whose strange logic links the Abu Dhabi Passover celebrations to the escalation of violence between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs? Op-ed.
Repeating the same slogans and playing politics with a just Arab cause will not solve it. It will not bring either side security.
For the first time Iran and Russia have faced off and the interests of the two allies now clash in previously unimagined ways. Op-ed.
Ukraine is not just about Russia’s influence in that country. NATO faces a direct Sino-Russian challenge, the US a loss of dominance.Op-ed.
“The Israeli enemy' phrase has changed in a good part of the Middle East.Those who believe otherwise should come to their senses. Op-ed.
Iran calls for dialogue on regional problems with Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran, and Turkey. Note who is missing. Op-ed.
An international stance must be taken against the militia axis whose attacks on the UAE alone included four drones just last week. Op-ed.
Arab media discussing that Israel is a target of the Al Houthi militia is not a matter of analytical imagination, it is happening. Op-ed.
Hezbollah/Iran already controls Lebanon causing chaos and destruction. Israel must find a way to change this before it is too late . Op-ed.
Hezbollah is a time bomb that threatens to rupture relations between states and has destroyed beautiful Lebanon. Who is next? Israel? Op-ed.
The price of the Turkish Bayraktar drone is estimated at $5 million. In comparison, the F-35 fighter jet costs about $122 million. Op-ed.
The specter of war is escalating to the point that Taiwan’s FM Joseph Wu has expressed hope that Taiwan will not trigger a 3rd WW. Op-ed.