Indicting Netanyahu—The unintended consequences
The release of taped phone conversations shows that the political initiative to indict the PM on contrived charges will rebound on plotters.
The release of taped phone conversations shows that the political initiative to indict the PM on contrived charges will rebound on plotters.
There is infuriating irony in the fact that the Democrats committed the transgressions they attribute to their Republican adversaries.Op-ed
Labor's fall from the heights of political hegemony to the depth of political oblivion is a fitting fate for pushing the Oslo Accords.Op-ed
Normalization with the UAE has significant benefits for Israel, but it is premature to talk of amity rather than enmity in the region.Op-ed.
Although in power for much of the post-Oslo era, it is clear that the Right has not internalized the exigencies of political warfare.Op-ed.
Despite all the potential payoffs Israel-UAE normalization may entail, the agreement is really a prop for a much bigger drama. Op-ed.
A cursory analysis of the “Commanders for Israel’s Security” plan reveals it as a political manifesto drafted by amateur politicians. Op-ed.
Israel should be a source of pride for all Jews—but particularly for Jews who espouse liberal values of tolerance and liberty. Op-ed.
Ever greater circles of Americans are in a movement bent on jettisoning a paradigm that brought success for one that wrought failure. Op-ed
Excessive judicial intervention into the purview of the legislature may have some unintended consequences. Op-ed.
Will a tragedy in Minneapolis determine the fate of Tehran's political order and its military deployment across a ravaged Syria? Op-ed.
One issue raised by the cloud of doubt enveloping the Duma proceeding is the possibility that the real murderers may still be free. Opinion.
It is imperative to restore the judiciary to its duly assigned place in a properly functioning democracy-adjudicating, not legislating.Op-ed
Are those against sovereignty entrapped in an Oslowian time-warp? And has the legal establishment destroyed its credibility again?
Daniel Pipes has been scrupulously strict in avoiding any action-oriented prescriptions to achieve his “Israeli Victory”; until now. Op-ed.
There is a growing sense that the aura of infallibility given the Supreme Court, forming the basis of its power, is beginning to dim. Op-ed.
The recent diatribe by Haaretz’s Rogel Alpher against Israel Prize laureate, Miriam Peretz, should have crippling repercussion. Opinion.
Dr. Martin Sherman, Founder & Executive Director of the IISS speaks about the allegations against US Congresswoman.
Tamar Yonah asks: Is there really anyone to vote for in this election? Is it even worth going to the polls this time around?