A sense of Déjà vu
All the current “mainstream” proposals for the “Day After” in Gaza represent the triumph of misguided hope—or at least, misconceived correctness—over bitter experience. Op-ed.
All the current “mainstream” proposals for the “Day After” in Gaza represent the triumph of misguided hope—or at least, misconceived correctness—over bitter experience. Op-ed.
The election of Donald Trump and the collapse of the Assad regime in Syria will compel a recalibration of recalibration of France’s past policies. Opinion.
France's adversarial attitude towards both Israel and America has regrettably been long abrew. Opinion.
While France is the origin of the principles of modern democracy, it has also shown a disturbing affinity for tyranny. Opinion.
Translated into Persian, the search for peace and regional stability—the oft-aired aspiration of the Biden-Harris administration—means giving Tehran the bomb. Opinion.
Some of Kamala Harris’s supporters constitute yet another ominous omen in the perturbing accumulation that the prospect of her victory portends. Opinion.
Today’s grotesque endeavors to justify Hamas’s bestial barbarism should be repudiated and ridiculed. Opinion.
Rather than side unreservedly with Israel after the brutally barbaric onslaught on it, the Democratic party & the Biden administration chose to take unprecedented measures against the elected government of a friendly nation. Opinion.
The French Foreign Ministry advanced two claims as the rationale for its decision to support the ICC—both equally risible and ridiculous. Opinion.
World opinion must be made to understand that the plight of Gazans today is the result of, not the reason for, the smoldering Judeophobic hate on their part.
Israel seeks to minimize civilian casualties, while Hamas seeks to maximize civilian casualties and use them as a propaganda tool. Opinion.
When Israeli voters next go to the polls, over what led to the grim events of Oct. 7, their choices must not be driven by uninformed rumor, ill-informed speculation, and misinformed emotion. Op-ed.
Under Biden, important foreign policy interests are being sacrificed for domestic ones. Opinion.
While the current coalition is far from unblemished, things could be worse—and have been, recently. Op-ed.
The historical record bodes ill for initiatives to engineer a Pax Israeliana (an Israel induced peace) between Israel and its Arab adversaries. Opinion.
What once was unthinkable is now moving to the center of mainstream thought. Opinion.
One reason the conflict with Palestinian-Arabs dragged on for years is that Israel failed to conceptualize the conflict correctly.Op-ed.
The political rationale of the Gaza conflict is mirrored in the inexorable logic of an algorithm ignored by Israel's policy-makers.Opinion..
Past deeds of heroism are no justification for present acts of subversion. Op-ed.
Israel's Dec. of Independence focuses om Jewish sovereignty and independence in the ancestral Jewish homeland, not liberal democratcy. Op-ed
The opponents of the proposed judicial reform are not defending liberal democracy, but promoting Orwellian dystopia. Op-ed.
A constitution as a way out of the political impasse over Israel's legal system is a red herring by opponents of judicial reform. Op-ed.
As the official reasons given for the 2022 gas deal with Lebanon unravel, who can be blamed for "heretical" alternative explanations? Op-ed
Israel and its democracy are indeed facing an unprecedented and unimaginable threat. One of those threatening it is Mika Almog. Op-ed.
If the protests succeed in obstructing the judicial reforms, democratic rule will be replaced by mob rule - in an Orwellian dystopia. Op-ed.
"It would be so nice if something would make sense for a change" – Alice in Wonderland.
Palestinian flags, on unabashed and unhindered display at demonstrations against Israel's judicial reform, reveal their real motive. Op-ed.
The initiative by the new government to enact a far-reaching judicial reform is an inevitable result of the erosion of public trust. Op-ed.
By not engaging in a decisive offensive against its adversaries, Israel backs away from conflicts it can win, risking one that it cannot.
Why do professed liberals persist in support for an entity that would comprise the negation of all the values they allegedly cherish? Op-ed.
Do the Palestinian-Arabs genuinely wish to establish a state of their own? Or do they really wish to dismantle the state of the Jews?.Op-ed
The Zionist narrative has demonstrable validity over the irreconcilable counter-narrative of the Palestinian-Arabs, so it must prevail.Op-ed
A Palestinian state will be a multi-dimensional existential threat to Israel whether one considers height, width, length, or depth. Op-ed.
Israel must forgo Arab amitié. for different goals. The most it can get is to be barely accepted; the least is to be greatly feared.Op-ed
International agreements involving abdication of strategic assets in exchange for vague 'assurances' of future support are worthless.Op-ed.
Israel has failed to conceptualize the conflict with the Palestinian Arabs correctly. Failed comprehension has brought failed policy. Op-ed.
Any fair-minded person must feel increasingly compelled to question the authenticity of the 2020 US election results. Op-ed.
Legal proceedings are carried out with scant regard for the law. factual evidence is ignored, charges fabricated. With court approval Op-ed.
There are only two possibilities regarding Min. Liberman's involvement in the "Yisrael Beyteinu affair"-neither bodes well for Israel.Op-ed.
There may be things more depraved than an Israeli minister soliciting funds for a self-declared mortal foe, but none come to mind. Op-ed.
It will take a long time, maybe decades, to repair the damage caused by the machinations used to ensconce the current coalition. Op-ed.
Perhaps someone under criminal indictment should not be prime minister, but abuse of the legal system to prevent it is far worse. Op-ed.
Difficult socioeconomic conditions in haredi society have not caused the crime afflicting Arab society. Why assume that is the cause? Op-ed.
Israel may soon face a huge expanse of territory controlled by radical Islamists, stretching from Greater Tel Aviv to Iraq and beyond.Op-ed.
Lapid’s Gaza policy proposal is one more display in an appalling catalogue of his ignorance and a grave indictment of Israeli voters. Op-ed.
In a single act of duplicity and deceit, Bennett provided the left with broad access to positions of government control and influence.Op-ed.
There is a symbiotic link between the abysmal conduct of Israel’s public diplomacy and the crescendo of Judeophobic frenzy worldwide.Op-ed.
The Gaza problem was created by the belief that the Palestinian Arabs could have self-governance.Op-ed.
The situation can not be seen as one centering on the question of individual rights but of collective survival—and must be treated as such.
The deadlock in which Israel’s political system is mired is in large measure the result of judicial disregard—or distortion—of the law.Op-ed
Despite the resounding failure of the idea, 3 former IDF generals urged Biden to “keep open a path to an eventual two-state solution.”Op-ed.
The Palestinian Arabs’ claim for sovereignty over what they now insist is their long yearned-for homeland arose only after 1967.
Israel could find, along its lengthiest border, no longer a pro-Western monarchy, but an extreme, hostile Muslim regime. Op-ed.
Few, if any, countries face the truly daunting array of challenges that Israel does. There is no time for on the job training. Op-ed.
The apparent inability of its electorate to separate policy from personality may drive the US to the cusp of 3rd world status. Op-ed.
An approaching scenario in which Biden, exposed as both frail and mendacious, concedes the presidency to his radical Vice President. Op-ed.
The most galling reaction to the targeted killing of Iranian scientist Fakhrizadeh came from John Brennan, Obama's CIA Director. Op-ed.
Our kinfolk in the U.S.are either indifferent or bent on support for a candidate committed to policies helping Israel's enemies. Op-ed.
The release of taped phone conversations shows that the political initiative to indict the PM on contrived charges will rebound on plotters.
There is infuriating irony in the fact that the Democrats committed the transgressions they attribute to their Republican adversaries.Op-ed