A keffiyah on a US campus is just a hipster swastika
Cultural appropriation of the Swastika and Kaffiyeh- a switch from love to hate. Op-ed.
Cultural appropriation of the Swastika and Kaffiyeh- a switch from love to hate. Op-ed.
“The omission is the most powerful form of lie, and it is the duty of the historian to ensure that those lies do not creep into the history books.” —George Orwell,author of 1984. They sure have.
How did we get to a place, less than 100 years after the Shoah, where Jews vote for the Jew haters? They keep them in power. Always trying to rationalize their reasons.
The review below of what is happening to free speech and Western culture in England may be a preview of what is going to happen in Canada. Perhaps Canadians should leave while they still can. Opinion.
Muslims openly call today for a pan-Islamic embrace of shari’a and the return to the dhimma and the jizya. This plan excludes Blacks, LGBT, Christians and of course, Jews. Opinion.
Israel is the most hated country in a world of 195 countries. Think about that. If we are going to be hated, let’s at least be hated in our entire inherited and promised land. Op-ed.
Which definition of a barbarian in this article do you choose? Or is it "all of the above." Op-ed.
In case you didn’t know – nothing has changed. When it comes to the Jews, Muslims are the Nazis of today. And once again, the West stands with the wrong side. Op-ed.
What a difference a decade can make. Op-ed.
We are in a Propaganda War. It is time to blow the Shofar all over the world. We can do better. Opinion.
It is essential to Israel’s existence that she debunk the Occupation Lie: Declare San Remo Day, Yom San Remo. Op-ed.
The BLM movement suffers from endemic Jew hatred that leads it to stand with Muslims who burn babies, rape women and kill the elderly.Op-ed.
Love always wants more.
You allow people to run for government who have declared their desire to kill you because as a country, you have no right to exist. Op-ed.
I never thought I would see the day when Jews in Israel fight against Jews moving into their area and shame their MKs abroad. Op-ed.
Death is the last mitzva; the last rite. It should never be a profit-making business. Op-ed.
Dividing America on religious lines is exactly what the Founding Fathers wanted to prevent. Op-ed.
The issue dividing the Jewish people today in Israel is not Judicial Reform, but a battle between the present day Jeremiah and Korach.Op-ed.
What we saw happen in Nazi Germany is happening in America. The Vanishing Jew. It is now about diversity and intersectionality.. Op-ed.
Those Who Would Give Up Essential Liberty To Purchase A Little Tקmporary Safety, Deserve Neither Liberty Nor Safety -Benjamin Franklin.Op-ed
Nothing unites the world like Jew hatred-from left and right and the center. Op-ed.
It’s time to ask questions and demand answers of those who attack the right of Israel and the Jews to exist. Q&A. Op-ed.
You don't like the Jews? Don't like Israel? Tough. Get over it.Op-ed.
The media reports of the trucker convoy protest are opinions masquerading as news, using every trick in the book. Op-ed.
Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts. Diane Bederman latest book. Interview.
I defend myself. Therefore I am! The Jewish people have a right to be safe on the streets, at synagogues and in schools.Op-ed.
How many times, over the millennia, were those “Palestinian” Muslims exiled from the land? Ethnically cleansed? Removed? Hmmm. Never. Op-ed.
Machiavelli coined that phrase and continued with: 'Prepare to defend yourself'- not appease, because appeasement breeds contempt. Op-ed.
We are seeing the repeat of the teaching of hate for Jews as it was taught in Nazi Germany: Get them at school, get them young. Op-ed.
Yesterday it was math, today it is Dr. Seuss. What's next?
In Germany no streets are named for Hans Langsdorff. In Ajax, Ontario, removing his name became a Palestinian and BLM issue. Op-ed..
The Jewish people have been the universal scapegoat from the beginning. But we are a stiff-necked people. Op-ed.
Dear American Progressive Jews, do not cower. Do not cling to your enemies. Hiding in plain sight, “passing,” will not save us. Opinion.
The feelings God has for us are the same feelings we have for those we love who are ill, whose death is in sight, whose time is short.
Did Barack Obama bring peace, anywhere? He seems to have received the prize because he had been elected. Op-ed.
The Jews gave the world so much: monotheism, ethics, a love of learning and more. But they also gave us the concept of hope. Op-ed.
We say Never Forget and Never Again? How many members of an organization like BLM need to be anti-Semites before you walk away? Op-ed.
What would my father say if he saw people bending the knee to others in shame for being so privileged after everything he survived. Op-ed.
Fear has turned us away from the gifts of freedom, common sense and critical thinking. Opinon.