

News and updates about Demographics

Israel's population crossed 10 million threshold

Israel's population has hit approximately 10.027 million, made up of 76.9% Jews and others, 21% Arabs, and 2.1% foreigners.

Israel's population crossed 10 million threshold

'Israel will be less than 70% Jewish in less than a decade'

New data reveals Jewish percentage in Israel hits all time new low, Israeli Immigration Policy Center urges: 'Maintain responsible immigration policy that will also ensure Israel's future as a refuge for the Jewish people.'

'Israel will be less than 70% Jewish in less than a decade'

2024 demographic reality sets the record straight

Demographic reality contradicts conventional wisdom and unaudited fitures..In 2024, in contrast to conventional demographic wisdom, Israel’s Jewish majority in the combined areas of Judea and Samaria (the 'West Bank') and the pre-1967 Israel is not threatened by a potential “Arab demographic time bomb.” Op-ed.

2024 demographic reality sets the record straight

How many Arabs live in Gaza

Israeli demographers, relying on false data from the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, have inlated the numbers without proof.Op-ed.

How many Arabs live in Gaza

Demographic optimism IN, demographic pessimism OUT

The growth of Jewish fertility reflects a high level of patriotism, optimism, attachment to roots and more. Op-ed.

Demographic optimism IN, demographic pessimism OUT

"Babylon fell, Rome fell. Hindhead's turn will come"

And Islam will take over. We are experiencing the biggest demographic change since the Anglo-Saxon invasions of the 5th century.  Op-ed.

"Babylon fell, Rome fell. Hindhead's turn will come"

The 1683 defeat of the Turks at Vienna was in vain

Old Vienna, in the midst of a demographic crisis, is a museum inhabited by elderly people strolling in the Prater. Islam has won. Op-ed.

The 1683 defeat of the Turks at Vienna was in vain

56 Years Since Reunification:

Jewish majority in Jerusalem shrinks to new low

Haredi Jews now make up nearly half of Jewish population in the capital as Jerusalem's population nears 1 million.

Jewish majority in Jerusalem shrinks to new low

Ahead of 75th Independence Day

Israel's population hits 9.73 million

183,000 babies born in Israel over the last 12 months, with Israel's population growing by 2.3%.

Israel's population hits 9.73 million

2023 demographic update: no Arab demographic time bomb

Protestors take note. Israel’s thriving demography provides for bolstered security, economy, technology and a confident foreign policy.Op-ed

2023 demographic update: no Arab demographic time bomb


Why the gender-obssessed West abandoned Afghan and Iranian women

In the insane West, the word “woman” no longer has a meaning, and you can get in trouble for using the word - so why save them? Op-ed.

Why the gender-obssessed West abandoned Afghan and Iranian women

How mothers shaped Israel

The children born to blessedly large Israeli families with strong Jewish identity and pride are becoming the majority. Op-ed.

How mothers shaped Israel

Rosh Hshanah Eve:

Global Jewish population rises to 15.3 million

Israel welcomes highest number of olim in 20 years, as Jewish Agency assisted 60,000 immigrants from 93 countries to make Aliyah this year.

Global Jewish population rises to 15.3 million


Demographic suicide

Borders exist only to be crossed, identity is a relic to be deconstructed and overcome and society a supermarket. Germany as a model. Op-ed.

Demographic suicide

One out of seven Jews worldwide are haredi

How many haredim leave the community? Study finds 80% of Jewish population growth is from haredi sector. 1/4 of Jews will be haredi by 2040.

One out of seven Jews worldwide are haredi

The demographic oblivion of Europe

In the 14th century the plague wiped out 80 percent of the Italian population. In the 21st century it is disappearing by choice. Op-ed.

The demographic oblivion of Europe

'Arab census numbers are inflated, there is a Jewish majority'

Demographer and diplomat Yoram Ettinger claims 68% of residents of Israel, Judea, and Samaria are Jews. 'There is no demographic threat.'

'Arab census numbers are inflated, there is a Jewish majority'

54 years after reunification:

Jerusalem's Jewish majority hits new low

More Orthodox, more Arab: Two-thirds of Jews in Jerusalem are religious, new report reveals. But Jewish majority shrinking rapidly.

Jerusalem's Jewish majority hits new low

Secretary Blinken Is wrong on Israel's demography

Blinken is relying on inflated, erroneous Palestinian Authority numbers and overlooking the Jewish demographic tailwind in Israel. Op-ed.

Secretary Blinken Is wrong on Israel's demography

'Will China run out of people?' - Demographic crisis ahead

PolyMatter predict China, expected to overtake the US and every other world economy, will falter and practically disappear.

'Will China run out of people?' - Demographic crisis ahead

Haredi sector afflicted by 'catastrophic' coronavirus outbreaks

Haredi journalists told that eleven percent of cases came from their demographic.

Haredi sector afflicted by 'catastrophic' coronavirus outbreaks

463,901 Jews living in Judea and Samaria

Growth rate in Judea & Samaria increases in 2019 to 3.4%. 'Half a million residents and high growth rate means its time for sovereignty.'

463,901 Jews living in Judea and Samaria

Israel’s population hits 9.14 million

Israel's 6,772,000 Jews now make up 74.1% of the population, with the 1,916,000 Arabs making up 21% of Israel's population.

Israel’s population hits 9.14 million

A shot across the demographic bow

A shot across the demographic bow

Demographic Shift:

Israeli Jewish fertility rate tops Arab rate, hits 45-year high

Jewish fertility rate continues to rise as Muslim rate declines, Palestinian Authority fertility rate falls to parity with Israel's.

Israeli Jewish fertility rate tops Arab rate, hits 45-year high

Emigration from Israel drops to lowest level in decades

600,000 Israelis living abroad, with number of Israelis emigrating falling to lowest level in more than three decades.

Emigration from Israel drops to lowest level in decades

Israel's population tops 9 million

6.7 million Jews live in Israel on eve of 71st Independence Day, alongside 1.9 million Arabs. Israeli population to top 15 million by 2048.

Israel's population tops 9 million

Europe's future? A new Austrian decline

Europe's future? A new Austrian decline

Israel's population nears 9 million - including 6.6 million Jews

More than 6.6 million Jews living in Israel on eve of 2019, along with nearly 1.9 million Arabs.

Israel's population nears 9 million - including 6.6 million Jews

Report: Obama 'shocked' by settlement expansion

Maps of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria shocked then-President Obama into withholding veto on anti-Israel UN resolution.

Report: Obama 'shocked' by settlement expansion

Have demographics doomed the Israeli left?

Did immigration and high Orthodox birthrate doom Israel’s left to perpetual opposition status? Analysis.

Have demographics doomed the Israeli left?

Israel's population tops 8.8 million, to hit 15 million by 2048

Nearly 6.6 million Jews living in Israel ahead of 70th independence day, 10 times more than when Israel was established in 1948.

Israel's population tops 8.8 million, to hit 15 million by 2048

'Sovereignty is not the granting of an immediate right to vote'

Deputy Defense Minister says application of sovereignty over Judea and Samaria would not make Israel undemocratic.

'Sovereignty is not the granting of an immediate right to vote'

Muslims to outnumber Jews in US by 2040

While size of US Jewish population stagnates, number of US Muslims set to double by 2040.

Muslims to outnumber Jews in US by 2040

Israel's Jewish population tops 6.5 million

69 years after founding, Israel boasts highest fertility rate in OECD, with a total population of over 8.7 million.

Israel's Jewish population tops 6.5 million

'We will lose Jewish majority at current pace of construction'

Gideon Sa'ar says lack of construction in Jewish neighborhood in Jerusalem combined with rampant illegal Arab construction threatens capital

'We will lose Jewish majority at current pace of construction'

Israel's population to surge to 20 million by 2065

Study shows Jewish population to grow to 81% of Israel's total, with massive growth in haredi community, which will make up 32% of Israel.

Israel's population to surge to 20 million by 2065

How religious are Israelis?

Figures released ahead of Israel's 69th Independence Day reveal secular Jews a minority, with most identifying as religious or traditional.

How religious are Israelis?

Europe turns young again - due to Muslim migrants

Europe turns young again - due to Muslim migrants

Muslim birthrate in Israel declines

Nearly 1.5 million Muslim citizens in Israel, roughly 18% of population.

Muslim birthrate in Israel declines

Haredim to surpass Arab population by 2050

More than 1/3 of Jewish population will be haredi by 2059, with more than 4 million haredim in Israel.

Haredim to surpass Arab population by 2050

Haredi leader blasts Rockland County executive as 'anti-Semitic'

Orthodox residents of Monsey, NY stunned by alleged statements of county executive calling to 'stop growth of Orthodox community'.

Haredi leader blasts Rockland County executive as 'anti-Semitic'

Rabbi Sacks understands Europe better than the Pope

Rabbi Sacks understands Europe better than the Pope

Jerusalem's declining Jewish majority about to rise again?

While Jewish majority has declined since reunification of Jerusalem in 1967, data suggests that trend may be reversing itself.

Jerusalem's declining Jewish majority about to rise again?

Haredi surge: 25% of Jewish students enrolled in haredi system

Haredi school system nearly doubles in size in since 2000, overtakes national religious as second largest in Israel.

Haredi surge: 25% of Jewish students enrolled in haredi system

Why is the PA hiding Palestinian emigration from Judea-Samaria?

Leading Israeli demographer claims Palestinian Authority employing several ploys to falsely inflate its population statistics.

Why is the PA hiding Palestinian emigration from Judea-Samaria?

Israeli demographics working in Jews' favor

Demographics Expert Yoram Ettinger presents nine-point optimistic analysis.

Israeli demographics working in Jews' favor


Expert: Kerry ignores demographics in Israel-PA policy

Former Amb. and demographer Yoram Ettinger notes Jewish presence in Israel is stronger than ever - making a 'one-state' solution possible.

Expert: Kerry ignores demographics in Israel-PA policy

Israeli Jewish, Arab birth rates now even

Israel's Jewish population has increased its birth rate significantly in recent years, and is now almost on par with the Arab birth rate.

Israeli Jewish, Arab birth rates now even

Demographics as the Best Tool to Predict Economic Growth

The study of demographics can be one of the most important tools for predicting the economic growth.

Demographics as the Best Tool to Predict Economic Growth

Just How Many Arabs Are in Israel?

PA's stats bureau releases official figures: there are 4.68 million Arabs in Gaza-Judea-Samaria, and that's set to grow with 40% under 14.

Just How Many Arabs Are in Israel?

Jewish Growth a Result of Israeli Optimism, says Ambassador

Ambassador Yoram Ettinger says the Israeli Jewish population grows because of a number of convergent factors, the most vital being optimism.

Jewish Growth a Result of Israeli Optimism, says Ambassador

How Many Arabs, Jews Live in Judea-Samaria?

Gap of over one million people in census data from Judea-Samaria population counts; experts accuse PA of falsifying, omitting information.

How Many Arabs, Jews Live in Judea-Samaria?

Former NSW Premier Carr's 'Pivot' Away from Israel

Former NSW Premier Carr's 'Pivot' Away from Israel

Watch: ISIS Video Targets Older Recruits for Patrol Duty

Footage revealing a special patrol unit for older jihadists reveals extent of ISIS's organization as a terror group.

Watch: ISIS Video Targets Older Recruits for Patrol Duty

Muslims Love Death, Europe is Tired of Life

Muslims Love Death, Europe is Tired of Life

Former Envoy: History Proves Israel Can Withstand US Pressure

Former envoy to US insists Israel can and should stand up to US pressure - particularly under 'dramatically weak' Barack Obama.

Former Envoy: History Proves Israel Can Withstand US Pressure

Poll: 20% of Israelis Feel More 'Jewish' Than 'Israeli'

Most Israelis feel more or equally 'Jewish' as they do 'Israeli,' poll reveals. But will they in the future?

Poll: 20% of Israelis Feel More 'Jewish' Than 'Israeli'

'No Arab Demographic Time Bomb,' Say Experts

Yoram Ettinger and Mark Langfan debunk demographic threat; current trend leads to 80% Jewish majority in Judea, Samaria by 2035.

'No Arab Demographic Time Bomb,' Say Experts

UN 'Politicized' Report Inflates Area C Arab Numbers

Former IDF colonel who helped draw Areas A, B, C maps slams UN claim of 300,000 Arabs in Area C. The real number is around 70,000.

UN 'Politicized' Report Inflates Area C Arab Numbers