
David Isaac

News and updates about David Isaac

Haredi day care issue is one more judicial overreach

There have been a lot of clashes recently between the attorney general and the government. Unlike in the United States, Canada, Britain and Germany, Israel’s attorney general sees himself authorized to impose his opinion on the government. Opinion.

Haredi day care issue is one more judicial overreach


Anti-PM protests threaten war effort, hostage deal, experts say

Anti-government demonstrations, which had been on a low flame since Oct. 7, burst forth with renewed ferocity this week. Analysis.

Anti-PM protests threaten war effort, hostage deal, experts say

High Court-Knesset showdown

“Until now, the court never said, 'We have the power to reverse Basic Laws,' and that is what we may see here..” Op-ed.

High Court-Knesset showdown

‘Opposition rhetoric impedes compromise on judicial reform’

While experts differ sharply on the Israeli government’s reform plan, all agree that extreme discourse is clouding the issue. Op-ed.

‘Opposition rhetoric impedes compromise on judicial reform’

Why is young evangelical support for Israel eroding?

Evangelical young people lack information. There is a serious education problem in the evangelical church. Op-ed.

Why is young evangelical support for Israel eroding?


What does a Bennett-Lapid government mean?

Is it a car with four wheels going in different directions, a unifier or a robot unable to effect change on any major issues Op-ed.

What does a Bennett-Lapid government mean?

Beware of Washington

Beware of Washington

Islam and the Jews

Islam and the Jews

The Left is Up to Its Old Tricks

The Left is Up to Its Old Tricks

Israel's Myopia

Israel's Myopia

Saint Shimon

Saint Shimon

The Most Popular Shimon Peres

The Most Popular Shimon Peres

Disproportionate Restraint

Disproportionate Restraint

A Mess of Pottage

A Mess of Pottage

Israel Wants to be the Good Guy

Israel Wants to be the Good Guy

Netanyahu, Heed Thyself!

Netanyahu, Heed Thyself!

Kissinger’s Guilt

Kissinger’s Guilt

Obama's Conversion to Zionism

Obama's Conversion to Zionism