Jenin operation:
'We eliminated a ticking time-bomb' says senior IDF officer
Islamic Jihad erected 30 barricades to prevent IDF from entering Jenin, to no avail.
Islamic Jihad erected 30 barricades to prevent IDF from entering Jenin, to no avail.
Live-fire exchanges in Shechem, no IDF injuries reported.
IDF continues counterterror operations following deadly spate of attacks that left 19 dead.
Soldiers arrest suspects from home-town of Bnei Brak terrorist, locate explosives prepared for future attacks.
PM Bennett declares Police Counter-Terrorism Unit as the Israel National Counter-Terrorism Unit, to increase budget to strengthen unit.
EU Commissioner urges removal of 'terrorist content' from internet, says only way to address terror threat is by working together.
Public Security Min. Erdan offers UN guidance on aiding terror victims, preventing extremism, and preventing attacks.
PM Netanyahu, Minister Erdan visit Yamam Swat unit, praise them for capturing terrorists behind recent attacks.
IDF and US Army satisfactorily conclude Juniper Cobra 2018 joint exercise between IDF and US Army European Command.
Former Trump assistant Sebastian Gorka lauds administration's work in countering ISIS, blames government bureaucracy for no embassy move.
Sebastian Gorka to speak at IDC Herzliya counter-terrorism summit next week.
Ministers Liberman, Erdan, Inspector General Alshich, visit special counter-terrorism unit base: 'We're ready: Any time, place, scenario.'
PM and Defense Minister visit security command in Judea and Samaria, learn about IDF's counter-terrorism methods.
Security expert says that war against ISIS is going well 'generally speaking', and warns against attempts to impose western norms on Arabs.
After months of surveillance, German commandos arrest terrorists with suspected connection to Paris attackers.
Large-scale exercise simulates terrorist shooting attack with casualties, IDF forces succeed in locating & arresting simulated 'terrorists'.
Police raid Bedouin villages, confiscating weaponry and stolen items including a cellphone stolen from an intelligence officer's sister.
IDF soldiers who showed initiative and awareness in live terrorist situations recognized in special ceremony.
Border Police raid of Rahat yields weapons stash hiddein in a car; 2 suspects taken in for questioning.
Large-scale counter-terrorism operation elicits rioting in Arab town near Hevron.
Immigration minister announces dual citizens can now lose citizenship for taking part in terror, even if they never left the country.
France overwhelmingly passes new law to spy on citizens; poll shows French support move while rights groups complain of pitfalls.
Security officials reveal terrorist activity booming in France with returning jihadists; in lieu of permanent surveillance lists are made.
The war against global jihad will only be won through attrition, experts says - to 'kill the alligator by draining the swamp.'
Following reports of civilian casualties from US drone strike in Syria, White House states that "near certainty" policy no longer applies.
US authorities missed multiple chances to catch Boston Marathon bomber - all because of a tiny clerical error.
Israeli academic avant-garde in homeland security vastly affected the development of the field.
The IDF is planning underground combat training to prepare soldiers for new, complex style of tunnel warfare.
IDF pauses after six counter-terror airstrikes. ‘We’re weighing our next steps,’ commander says.
Video shows IDF soldiers under fire in Jenin.
Deputy Defense Minister reveals active battle against Bethlehem terrorism, says arrests have been made.
Terrorism expert: Democracies must balance the need for violence against upholding their most cherished values.
Israel will not pay for the deaths of Arab civilians killed in battles between terrorists and IDF.
A delegation of law enforcement executives from the United States is participating in a counter-terrorism training program in Israel.
Senior officer says instead of arresting one suspect, the force simply arrested another, in the incident Thursday.
The latest anti-terror arrest in the Hevron region unveiled a weapons storehouse in a private home.
NY police fume over a professor’s telling students to “hypothetically plan a terrorist attack” to help them prepare for intel careers.
Egyptian army hits Sinai terrorists after large-scale attack. Helicopters strike camps, killing 20.
Counter-Terrorism Bureau issues a serious warning against travelling to the Sinai Peninsula.
Every Israeli needs to realize they are at risk abroad, Vice PM warns.
The Israel is one of the world’s largest targets of terror, but the US did not even mention the country at a global anti-terror conference.
The US blocked Israel's participation in the Global Counterterrorism Forum's, due to fierce objections from Turkey.
The conservative French government has voted for new anti-terror measures following last month's grisly murders in Toulouse and Montauban.
Prime Minister and Defense Minister take part in ceremony marking raid they both participated in. Is Barak still the commander?
Counter-Terrorism Bureau issues travel warning to Israelis for the spring holidays. Sinai, Turkey, Tunisia, Nigeria especially dangerous.
Counter-Terrorism Bureau issues a travel to Turkey, says terrorists are planning attacks on Israeli and Jewish targets.
Outgoing head of the Counter-Terrorism Bureau warns: Israelis abroad are still under threat of terrorism. Iran is constantly at work.
Israel's Counter-terrorism Bureau warned Friday that it expects more attacks on Israelis travelling abroad, and senior officials.
Minister Uzi Landau: terror cells "active" in India; two countries should step up counter-terrorism cooperation.
For the third time in a month IDF forces entered the Arab village Qalqiliya looking for suspected terrorists; arresting 5.
IDF nabs two terrorists with knives as they make their way to Otniel, in the hills of Judea.
The IDF continued to hit Gaza after a terrorist attack on a school bus Thursday. Terrorists attacked – then called for a ceasefire.
The Yamas counter-terror unit is among the IDF's most potent weapons in the fight against terrorists. Flash 90's Nati Shochat reports.
The army prepares for two scenarios after peace talks -- more violence following failure, or a halt to arresting terrorists if there is an accord.
New York City police officers staged a counter-terrorism drill in the Big Apple during the morning rush hour on Wednesday.