Holocaust studies made mandatory in Kentucky schools
Advocacy by Catholic middle school teacher helps convince Kentucky legislature to mandate teaching about the Holocaust in public schools.
Advocacy by Catholic middle school teacher helps convince Kentucky legislature to mandate teaching about the Holocaust in public schools.
Nadia Shoufani has been suspended with pay while an investigation continues into her pro-Palestinian support "in any form."
Rabbi Avi Weiss writes: "A church does not belong at the largest Jewish cemetery in the world.”
NGO Monitor reveals how largely tax-funded Catholic aid societies channel funds to politicized NGOs attacking Israel.
Diego Tapia converted to Judaism; his mother and sister flew from Columbia as surprise for Nahal Hareidi completion ceremony.
Terrorists behead priest accused of collaborating with Assad's regime, then post a video of the beheading online.
Obama won 69 percent of the Jewish vote, compared with 78 percent in 2008, according to exit polls.
Bishop Richard Williamson, who made headlines for denying the Holocaust, has been officially expelled from Society of St, Pius X.
Cardinal Carlo Maria was “a courageous man who played an important role in fostering better Catholic-Jewish relations.”
The Republican are covering themselves religiously, turning to an orthodox rabbi to open the convention and a Cardinal to close it.
Archbishop of Sydney, Cardinal George Pell, apologized for saying that the Germans suffered more than the Jews during World War II.
The Catholic church is issuing a new translation of the Bible that removes the word “holocaust.” Survivors pleased by the change.
Israel's Tourism Ministry has launched a new campaign offering tours to spots where it is thought that Mary, mother of Jesus, traveled and lived.
The Catholic Synod was “hijacked” by anti-Zionists, Deputy Minister Danny Ayalon charges, saying, 'Rejecting Biblical Chosen People is libel.'
The Creator’s promise that the Land of Israel is for Jews is no longer valid, a Catholic synod said, but added “The Word of the Lord is eternal".
A Polish bishop claims he was misquoted by an Italian Catholic website that said he believes the Holocaust was a Jewish invention.
A document by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, suggesting that interfaith dialogue should be used to convert Jews, has alarmed US Jewry.