
Burial In Israel

News and updates about Burial In Israel

Eretz Yisrael in the Parsha:

Burial in Eretz Yisrael

Young Religious Zionist Torah scholars connect the Torah Reading with the Land of Israel.

Burial in Eretz Yisrael

Rabbi Druckman on Vayechi: Don’t bury me in Egypt!

Why is it so important to Yaakov to be buried in Eretz Yisrael and not in Egypt? Rav Chaim Druckman zts"l answers this question.

Rabbi Druckman on Vayechi: Don’t bury me in Egypt!

Why Moses was not buried in Eretz Yisrael

Why was Yosef privileged to be buried in the Land of Israel and Moshe Rabeinu was not privileged?

Why Moses was not buried in Eretz Yisrael

How not to honor the dead

Death is the last mitzva; the last rite. It should never be a profit-making business. Op-ed.

How not to honor the dead

American terror victim Elan Ganeles to be buried in Israel

Family of Elan Ganeles appeals to MK Ohad Tal for help arranging burial of their son in Ra'anana after he was shot dead by a terrorist.

American terror victim Elan Ganeles to be buried in Israel

The importance of burial in the Land of Israel

Why does it matter where one is buried?

The importance of burial in the Land of Israel

Did Yaakov Avinu die?

Does the location of a person's death impact that person?

Did Yaakov Avinu die?

Can ancient Jewish graves be moved to settle the Land of Israel?

When excavations for building in Eretz Yisrael reveal ancient Jewish burial areas, what is the permitted course of action?

Can ancient Jewish graves be moved to settle the Land of Israel?

The virtue of burial in Eretz Yisrael

We have been privileged to have the remains of righteous people brought to Israel for reburial. Why is this important?.

The virtue of burial in Eretz Yisrael

When Moses declines to lead Grace after Meals

At the Redemption, Moses will be asked by God to “take the cup of wine and say Grace.” But he will reply “I cannot say Grace."

When Moses  declines to lead Grace after Meals

Why do Jews want to be buried in the Land of Israel?

Rabbi Kook saw the Land and the Nation as a single entity; and their connection that of different limbs of the same body to each other.

Why do Jews want to be buried in the Land of Israel?

NY family buries their mother in Israel, violating health rules

Wealthy New York Jewish family brings their mother's remains to Israel on a private jet for burial in Jerusalem, flouting coronavirus rules

NY family buries their mother in Israel, violating health rules

Even in pandemic, Jews flown to Jerusalem for burial

Jews in the Diaspora spending 'huge sums' to transport loved ones' remains to Israel for burial during coronavirus pandemic.

Even in pandemic, Jews flown to Jerusalem for burial

'If I can't live there, at least let me be buried there'

Why some American Jews pay more than $20,000 to get buried in Israel.

'If I can't live there, at least let me be buried there'

Bureaucracy delays bringing body home for burial

The body of Yitzchak Katzin, from the city of Ariel, killed late Thursday in South Africa, has not yet been brought to burial in Israel.

Bureaucracy delays bringing body home for burial