Groundbreaking discovery:
The earliest ship ever found in the deep seas
A 3,300-year-old ship’s cargo with hundreds of intact amphorae discovered 90 km from shore at a depth of 1.8 km on the Mediterranean Sea floor.
A 3,300-year-old ship’s cargo with hundreds of intact amphorae discovered 90 km from shore at a depth of 1.8 km on the Mediterranean Sea floor.
Excavation carried out at Tel Arani in preparation for laying new water pipe reveals ancient 5,500-year-old gate.
Shipwrecked cargo dating back 3,200 years proves significant trading links in Mediterranean basin.
International research collaboration unearths remarkable discovery within tsunami debris.
Security forces begin preparing destruction of Nativ Ha'avot, with bulldozers destroying artifacts from Patriarchs' period.
Underwater archaeologists have found an ancient structure built from large basalt stones, under the Sea of Galilee, Lake Kinneret.