Brit for son of fallen soldier Yehonatan Lober
Hundreds participated this morning in the brit (circumcision) ceremony for the son of combat soldier, Staff sergeant (res.) Elisha Yehonatan Lober, who fell in battle in the Gaza Strip.
Hundreds participated this morning in the brit (circumcision) ceremony for the son of combat soldier, Staff sergeant (res.) Elisha Yehonatan Lober, who fell in battle in the Gaza Strip.
Father who ran off with baby just before circumcision explains his motives.
Formerly religious father runs off with newborn son moments before circumcision where Rabbi Kanievsky was set to serve as 'sandak'.
Two months after being rescued from Arab village with her children, 'J' holds ritual circumcision for fourth son born week-and-a-half ago
Chief Rabbi David Lau convenes special refresher course for mohelim from across Israel, tells parents to only use mohel with valid license.
Leading candidate of the Quebec Separatist Party calls to remove the word 'Jewish' from the Jewish Hospital of Montreal, ban circumcision.
Doctors tells Rabbinate that the complications resulted from a preexisting condition.
The German cabinet has agreed to make sure religious circumcision remains legal following a court ruling earlier this year banning it.
A new proposed German law is set to approve ritual circumcision, hopefully ending the threat to the custom practiced by Jews and Muslims.
Berlin has made new laws for people who want to circumcise their sons – and traditional Jewish mohels don't meet criteria.
German Chancellor tells Jewish leader freedom of religion is "undoubtable" part of German democracy.
Two Swiss hospitals have banned circumcision, ignoring a German resolution protecting the Jewish rite after a court ruled it illegal.
Chancellor warns that criminalizing circumcision would make Germans "a laughing stock among nations.”
The European Jewish Congress has called on the German government to stand against a regional court decision to criminalize circumcision.
Religious freedom and public health clash in New York after babies contract Herpes disease from a ritual practice after circumcision.
An Arab who fathered a baby with a Jewish woman rejected keeping him and said, “This boy is Jewish. I don’t want him.”
An abused Jewish woman married to a Muslim was rescued from Morocco and brought to Israel. Her newborn's brit was in Jerusalem on Thursday.
Fighting fears of his Judaism being discovered by neighbors, a father in Antakya, Turkey allowed a secret circumcision of his baby boy on Chanukah
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu joins his family for the naming of his first grandchild, Shmuel.
Non-Jewish rulers over the centuries have tried to stop Jews from religious circumcision. Now they are encouraging the procedure for themselves.