

News and updates about Blessings

The power of Blessings and Curses

The power of blessings is greater than the power of curses and a parent’s blessing for their child has a particularly strong impact. The Torah prohibits cursing someone, wishing for their death, illness, or other misfortune.

The power of Blessings and Curses

Eretz Yisrael in the Torah:

The numerous names of Eretz Yisrael

Relgious Zionist Torah scholars research connections between the weekly Torah readings and the Holy Land.

The numerous names of Eretz Yisrael

Torah Mitzion:

Voice of Jacob, hands of Esau

The focus of the blessing given to Jacob, when disguised as Esau, is materialistic. In contrast, the focus of the blessing given to Jacob at the end of the Parasha is spiritual.

Voice of Jacob, hands of Esau

Parashat Ekev:

"Now O Israel! What does Hashem ask of you?

Reading Rabbi Lazer Gurkow's article this week informs us as to the outcome of reciting blessings. What do the commentaries add to explain the injunction to say 100 blessings each day?

"Now  O Israel! What does Hashem ask of you?

Parashat Ekev:

Count your blessings

Without G-d, we are mah—nothing. With G-d we are meah—part of everything.

Count your blessings

From Nova Festival to Western Wall:

Heroes from Nova massacre recited 'Hagomel' blessing

Rami Davidian, who saved dozens from 10/7 massacre: 'For us, this marks the closure to thank the Almighty here for the miracle of being here and for the privilege of saving many youths.'

Heroes from Nova massacre recited 'Hagomel' blessing

May G-d make you like Ephraim and like Menashe

Which brother comes first and what is the deep message hidden in the order of their names?

May G-d make you like Ephraim and like Menashe

The three blessings of the first night of Hanukkah

May we quickly merit to see light triumph over darkness.

The three blessings of the first night of Hanukkah

We fed the crocodile for too long: Israel's mission today

Maybe Rivkah didn't want to deceive her husband, she just wanted Jacob to display another side.

We fed the crocodile for too long: Israel's mission today

Toldot: The material and spiritual missions and their blessings

Isaac had hoped that cooperation would be possible between his two sons. It was not to be.

Toldot: The material and spiritual missions and their blessings

Ki Tavo: Remembering to bless God

Israel's first Chief Rabbi: What is the purpose of all of these blessings the rabbis told us to recite? 

Ki Tavo: Remembering to bless God

Why Israel must reclaim its soul now

The Split In Israel: Hatikvah Vs. Bentching. What does one have that the other doesn't?

Why Israel must reclaim its soul now

Naso (Diaspora): The Kohen's power

When kohanim offer their blessing, they must clear their minds and focus solely on being a channel through whom the blessing flows.

Naso (Diaspora): The Kohen's power

A natural blessing is preferable to a revealed miracle

As the reliance on miracles rose, calamities approached. Op-

A natural blessing is preferable to a revealed miracle

Eretz Yisrael in the parasha: Only the land of Israel rests

Young religious Zionist Torah scholars explain the connection between the parasha and the Holy Land.

Eretz Yisrael in the parasha: Only the land of Israel rests

The blessing over trees and kashering the kitchen for Pesach

Kabbalists emphasized the importance of the blessing in the month of Nissan specifically. How to kasher the kitchen for the holiday.

The blessing over trees and kashering the kitchen for Pesach

Birkat Ha'Ilanot:

The rare blessing that is recited once a year

The Blessing on the Trees is recited once a year during the Jewish month of Nisan, which began Thursday.

The rare blessing that is recited once a year

Laws of the blessing upon eating bread and mezonot

Bread is a general term for satisfying food, therefore its blessing exempts the rest of the food in a meal.

Laws of the blessing upon eating bread and mezonot

Blessings over enjoyment and gratitude

A person full of gratitude is a happy person whose gaze is focused on the good in his life.

Blessings over enjoyment and gratitude

Eretz Yisrael in the Parasha: What is the meaning of 'morasha'?

Young religious Zionist Torah scholars connect the parasha to the Land of Israel.

Eretz Yisrael in the Parasha: What is the meaning of 'morasha'?

Shemot:Making it good

In Jewish law, we bless on the bad as we bless on the good. That is imitating God.

Shemot:Making it good

Yaakov Avinu: God is my shepherd

Ohr Hachaim Hakadosh,Alshich Hakadosh, Malbim and others on the double clause in Yaakov's blessing to his beloved Yosef.

Yaakov Avinu: God is my shepherd

Vayechi: Tying up the loose pieces

Some of the "final words" and "small print" at the end of the contract ending the book of Bereishit.

Vayechi: Tying up the loose pieces

May you be like Ephraim and Menashe

Yaakov’s blessing to his grandsons Ephraim and Menashe and a lesson for our lives.

May you be like Ephraim and Menashe

Jacob blesses Pharaoh - does Pharaoh realize why?

Though Jacob lived a stormy and often tragic life, it is he who blesses Pharaoh for Jacob possesses the gift of the future and immortality.

Jacob blesses Pharaoh - does Pharaoh realize why?

The "everything" blessing: Shehakol

Hagit Rein, whose son fell in Lebanon - his story can be read on a lookout over northern Israel - wrote Rabbi Lundin about this blessing.

The  "everything" blessing: Shehakol

Vayetse: You can only win the lottery if you buy a ticket

“Open for me just the space of the eye of a needle and I will expand that to be the space of an entire hall.”

Vayetse: You can only win the lottery if you buy a ticket

Eretz Yisrael in ParashatToldot: The Shechinah's wandering

Does the Shechinah leave Eretz Yisrael? If so, why?

Eretz Yisrael in ParashatToldot: The Shechinah's wandering

We want Esau’s hands

Yaakov is the idealistic, ethical voice, but can he make it in the real world?

We want Esau’s hands

Chayei Sarah: Formidable women

Sarah is the woman of iron that acts to guarantee the future survival of the Jewish people.

Chayei Sarah:  Formidable women

The vision of the State of Israel

The vision God assigned to the Jews in their land is to bring blessing to all the nations through institutions and self-improvement.

The vision of the State of Israel

A blessing and a curse

Torah Commentators expound on the way that the mitzvahs can be a blessing or a curse.

A blessing and a curse

Blessings over landscapes and animals

Blessings over seeing certain phenomema are said after a lapse of 30 days. One example of the halakhot in the article below.

Blessings over landscapes and animals

America's six guardian angels

Roe v.s. Wade falls: The six judges reasserted classical morality in 2022 and for this, may God bless them! Opinion.

America's six guardian angels

The significance of unity in the land of Israel

Only when Am Yisrael returns to its full vitality in Eretz Yisrael, is the Divine flow of life to all things activated.

The significance of unity in the land of Israel

Yitro: Blessings on Miracles

Israel's first Cheif Rabbi: 'A blessing for a miracle must include recognition of the benefits of the miracle’s accompanying details.'

Yitro: Blessings on Miracles

Weekly Torah Study: Vayechi

What does it mean when Jacob says the angel who saved him should bless his grandchildren?

Weekly Torah Study: Vayechi

Office of the UK Chief Rabbi

What is your greatest blessing?

You might think it is the greatest blessing if your children are blessed, but there is a step beyond that.

What is your greatest blessing?

To life! Lechayim!

Some Hebrew words never come in the singular. One of them is "Chayyim" - life.

To life! Lechayim!

Humility, the greatest blessing

Yaakov Avinu, whose name ‘Israel’ we so proudly bear, truly lived the injunction of the prophet: (Micah 6:8):’Walk humbly with Hashem...’.

Humility, the greatest blessing

The Blessing of Isaac, and the war on the wicked

​​​​​​​Isaac wanted to bless Esau because he feared Jacob would not be able to stand alone in the face of the forces of evil.

The Blessing of Isaac, and the war on the wicked

Office of the UK Chief Rabbi

Jewish history in a nutshell.

Two blessings that appear beside one another in Hashem's words to Avraham are a synopsis of what keeps happening to the Jewish people.

Jewish history in a nutshell.

The blessing of the trees, and the Mikvah attendant

Birkat ha-ilanot symbolizes the abundance that Hashem gives us beyond the basic necessities. The balanit should be careful not to overstep.

The blessing of the trees, and the Mikvah attendant

An additional parashah

Jethro well deserved a parashah being named for him, not just for his advice but for what his behavior exemplified.

An additional parashah

The Mikveh and the purifying power of water

Immersion in water symbolizes the Divine grace granted to all equally, similar to rain that falls on all creatures, adding blessing to life.

The Mikveh and the purifying power of water

Kingship in Israel

Jacob’s blessings may pertain not to the end of days, but to events throughout Jewish history, such as King David and Judah Maccabee.

Kingship in Israel

Blessing our children

My wife and I bless the children every Friday night with the words in this Torah reading followed by the Priestly Blessing.

Blessing our children

Jacob's fishy blessing

A thought for Parshat Vayechi 5781 to share with youngsters.

Jacob's fishy blessing

The blessing we want for our grandchildren

Ephraim and Menashe. How is it that when we lay our hands upon our sons and grandsons' heads to bless them it is these two names we name?

The blessing we want for our grandchildren

May we recite a blessing for Jonathan Pollard's homecoming?

Blessings include G-d's Name and therefore one cannot just recite them at will Does halakha allow blessing on this occasion? If so, which?

May we recite a blessing for Jonathan Pollard's homecoming?

Ekev: Nourishing the Soul

Torah from Israel's first Chief Rabbi, the iconic leader of Religious Zionism. On thaniking God for food for the body and for the soul.

Ekev: Nourishing the Soul

The source of blessing

Balaam arrives at an astounding conclusion despitie his arrogance. How different are the words about him from those about Abraham!

The source of blessing

Some of the greatest blessings are wrapped up in a curse

Please God, answer all of our prayers - for the good.

Some of the greatest blessings are wrapped up in a curse

Rabbi blesses Trump: Who hast imparted honor to flesh and blood

Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Jacobson blesses President Trump ahead of election conference. 'President who cares for every person and every Jew.'

Rabbi blesses Trump: Who hast imparted honor to flesh and blood

Fulfilling the will of youth murdered by terrorists

Girls from Itamar hand out drinks at hitchhiking stations in memory of Eliyahu Oshri's final wish: To bless 'shehakol' over water.

Fulfilling the will of youth murdered by terrorists

The correct blessing for sushi

The correct blessing for sushi