The real message of Hanukkah
To avoid both destruction and assimilation, Jews have to fight for who they are and what they stand for. Op-ed.
To avoid both destruction and assimilation, Jews have to fight for who they are and what they stand for. Op-ed.
Seventy-six years ago, the gates to Eretz Yisrael were thrown open to all Jews. The call was sounded to return home and receive immediate citizenship under the "The Law of Return". Where were you?
Assimilated Jewish family comes full circle as grandson of Jewish woman who married Bedouin is circumcised at Yad L'Achim ceremony.
Bentzi Gopstein comes to Meron every year on Lag b'Omer, and every year, Lehava is approached for help.
Teenager born to an immigrant mother and a Palestinian Arab father celebrates his Bar Mitzvah - while his father sits in prison.
Two incidents from which all of us can gleam a bit of understanding about assimilation today and the eternity of Torah.
While Israel has many challenges and flaws, a sober look at the dissipating state of American Jewry should evoke even greater alarm. Op-ed.
My encounters in the Holy Land turned me away from assimilation.Op-ed.
This is not a second Holocaust. It has another name: Assimilation. Our numbers in the Diaspora are getting smaller and smaller. Op-ed.
Like with Balaam's ass, the Almighty opened the rapper’s mouth and put the words in his throat - for a reason.
Herzl would recognize all too well the tragic fantasy of assimilation. Op-ed.
Years have passed since the three were rescued from an Arab village in a special Yad L'achim operation.
In our generation, the fear of assimilation has become an important consideration in accepting converts.
Jewish son of Arab father was almost lost to the Jewish People until Lehava stepped in.
In the parasha, the Torah is telling us that the physical foods we consume somehow affect our inner souls, psyches and patterns of behavior.
It happens among those successful and thriving religious communities who seemingly have already overcome the lures of assimilation. Why?
When the Temple is rebuilt, will our stone be there or, Heaven forbid, will it “be erased from among them” – as Jacob told Joseph? Opinion.
Anti-assimilation activists meet with Eidah Haredit rabbis, updating them on scope of intermarriage and missionary activity in Israel.
He is probably the most outstanding Biblical role model for our times.
Two Jewish men who converted to Christianity return to Judaism, establish families with the help of Yad L'Achim.
Growing number of secular Israeli Jews are celebrating non-Jewish holidays like Halloween and Christmas, with tech sector fueling the trend.
You can’t cure illness with what spurred the disease, but that's what the anti-assimilation caucus is planning. There is a better way.Op-ed.
Founder of KosherFest Menachem Lubinsky says why this year's event is special and explains the growing popularity of Kosher food.
'Assimilation isn't just a problem in the Diaspora.' Government releases data on number of intermarried couples in Israel.
"My ex-husband repeatedly tried to tear him from my hands with threats and lawsuits, but I didn’t give in. I knew that Yair was my future."
Rabbis protest intention of Internal Security Minister to ban Lehava as a "terrorist organization."
Jewish children look to maintain their traditions even after court orders regular visits to their anti-Semitic Arab father.
Survey reveals that 25% of US Jews feel no connection to Judaism as a religion.
The bulk of American Jewry voted for the left and against Israel. Who are they? Op-ed.
'Enough assimilation!' Bedouin town in northern Israel targeted by vandals who punctured tires on dozens of cars, scrawled graffiti.
Given the data, it makes sense that 65-75% of US Jews remain in a political home that is hostile to Jews. It’s a matter of priorities.Op-ed.
Being a Jew relates also to the body and internal organs of a person, and not only the cerebral notion of religion that many people have.
Wise Jews understand that we cannot blindly trust the right or left, Christians or Muslims or Jews in positions of secular prominence. Op-ed
A Jewish businessman accuses Israel of 'forgetting' the Jews of the Caucasus region.
Yad L'Achim tells Knesset committee that assimilation is no less a problem in Israel than it is in Europe.
Anti-assimilation group secretly distributed packages for Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot to Jewish women living in Arab villages.
UK's 'Liberal Judaism' movement decides to recognize marriages between Jews and non-Jews, allowing rabbis to officiate at the weddings.
Born to Jewish mothers and Arab fathers, Moshe and Chana were raised as Muslims, but got married as Jews.
Anti-assimilation activist group performs circumcision ceremony for young woman saved from Arab boyfriend.
What does Blue and White stand for now that its ministers serve under the man whose ouster was their only policy? How about this idea? Op-ed
Jewish history compared with Black history proves that psychological pain can be ultimately more destructive than physical pain.Opinion.
Jewish women and children rescued from Arab villages by Yad L'Achim mark their return to the Jewish people with special weekend event.
Despite having a Jewish mother, A. is registered in Israel as an Arab Muslim. Now she's pushing the IDF to draft her.
From kosher food to synagogue security to summer programs in Israel - inside OU's efforts to strengthen Jewish identity & fight assimilation
CJV: Education minister expressed real concern without trivializing Nazi horrors when he said assimilation in US 'like a second Holocaust.'
Reform, Conservative senior Leftists furious at Education Minister who said assimilation among world Jewry is 'second Holocaust'.
'If you circumcise the baby, I'll kill you!' After Jewish woman from France escapes abusive Muslim partner, she has bris for newborn son.
Yesh Atid chief says he opposes assimilation, but blasts critics of Israeli Arab journalist's marriage to Jewish actor.
Anti-assimilation group challenges decision to grant full custody of Israeli Jewish girl to her Arab grandmother, despite mother's protests.
The fall of a top sociologist could change the field of counting Jews.
Yad L’Achim’s Torah Scroll winner receives news ahead of Shavuot holiday.
New study suggests Israelis in Europe steer clear of Jewish community activities
Delegation of Chabad donors see how even the most isolated Jewish communities are brought back to Jewish observance.
Rise in anti-Semitism in Europe causes Jews to fear appearing Jewish, threatens Jewish continuity in Diaspora.
Cofounder of anti-assimilation group says organization received spike in calls after her husband's arrest.
Wife of anti-assimilation activist slams police, 'pro-Reform' government. 'Not intermarrying is more important than love.'