
Article 80

News and updates about Article 80

Antisemitic EU & ECRI policies on Israel cannot be whitewashed

ECRI’s words: “Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories” for legally mandated territory is a manifestation of antisemitism. Op-ed.

Antisemitic EU & ECRI policies on Israel cannot be whitewashed

The myth of 'land for peace'

The myth of 'land for peace'

'Palestine:' Netanyahu must expose the PLO hoax

'Palestine:' Netanyahu must expose the PLO hoax

How the UN violated its own Charter

How the UN violated its own Charter

Article 80 of the UN Charter

Article 80 of the UN Charter

Trump Triumph requires direct negotiations between Jordan And Israel

Trump Triumph requires direct negotiations between Jordan And Israel

China can exploit UN double standards on "Palestine"

China can exploit UN double standards on "Palestine"

So Much for Arab Nationality; Ditto for "Occupation"

So Much for Arab Nationality; Ditto for "Occupation"

Inappropriate Use of the Fourth Geneva Convention

Inappropriate Use of the Fourth Geneva Convention

The Political Battle Over the "Occupation" Narrative

The Political Battle Over the "Occupation" Narrative

NYT Editorial Actually Condemns the World, not Israel

NYT Editorial Actually Condemns the World, not Israel