
Amiram Ben Ulliel

News and updates about Amiram Ben Ulliel

Is torture ‘Reasonable’ in the eyes of Israel’s Supreme Court?

Can Israelis trust a Court that permits torturing civilians to extract confessions to rule on what is considered 'reasonable'? Op-ed.

Is torture ‘Reasonable’ in the eyes of Israel’s Supreme Court?

Evil can sometmes be rooted in good

“Justice, Justice shall you pursue”.  The explanation by our sages is that the double use of the word justice is a warning: Op-ed.

Evil can sometmes be rooted in good

Unanswered questions on the Amiram ben Ulliel conviction

There were many untenable practices that led to the Amiram ben Ulliel conviction. Why did the Supreme Court ignore them? Op-ed.

Unanswered questions on the Amiram ben Ulliel conviction

The Duma appeal rejection

Oddly, this week's Torah portion is called "Judges" and this week was a test for justice in Israel. Op-ed.

The Duma appeal rejection

Justice and Freedom for Amiran ben Uliel

Amiran’s fate may be sealed to life in prison for a crime he did not commit. We pray that the appeal for him will end in his freedom.Op-ed.

Justice and Freedom for Amiran ben Uliel


The many crimes in the Duma Affair

The Duma affair should have been thrown out of court after the revelations below . Opinion.

The many crimes in the Duma Affair

Demonstration at Supreme Court ahead of Ben-Uliel appeal

Demonstrators are protesting the torture of Ben-Uliel and are demanding his appeal be accepted.

Demonstration at Supreme Court ahead of Ben-Uliel appeal

Legal 'circus'

'The only Duma criminals are the interrogators'

Attorneys of Jewish suspects say legal system must follow its own rules and throw out confessions extracted in 'barbaric torture.'

'The only Duma criminals are the interrogators'