Ahava sold for $77 million to Chinese investors
Israeli cosmetics firm Ahava to be fully acquired by a Chinese investment group for $77 million.
Israeli cosmetics firm Ahava to be fully acquired by a Chinese investment group for $77 million.
Dead Sea cosmetics maker Ahava to sell 15% stake to China's Fosun, amid BDS concerns.
The Victims of Arab Terror organization (VAT) has launched a “Fight Back” campaign against Disney's divestiture of Israeli Ahava products.
A Norwegian pharmaceutical chain announced that it is halting the sale of "products originating from settlements in occupied territories."
The radical pro-PA “CodePink” organization is pressuring Macy's Department Store to pull Ahava Dead Sea products from the shelves.
A pro-Arab, anti-Israel group in Canada seeks to boycott Sears for selling Israeli products. BUYcott is fighting back.
Jerusalem chef Michael Katz is cooking up uniquely Israeli food in Madrid at the world's largest tourism fair for Spanish speakers.
A group of prominent British academics claim a London museum is helping to break international law by collaborating with Ahava.
Pro-Arab in group calls for boycott of Ahava Dead Sea products, while pro-Israel group calls for a “buycott”.
A Brooklyn-based group protesting the sale of Israeli-made Dead Sea products boosts business for a local store. Rabbi Aaron Raskin goes shopping.
Dutch officials are investigating Ahava Dead Sea products to determine if minerals are stolen from "occupied" Arabs.