What is a hyssop? Rashi states that “it is a type of herb that has thin stalks”. Rashi, Shemot 12:23 It is not the most impressive appearing of plants. It is small and it grows in walls and amidst its cracks. The Midrash states, “The hyssop does not appear to be much of anything to a person. But its strength appears great before Hashem who compares it to the mighty and towering Cedar tree.” The Midrash quotes from the Book of Kings, First Book of Kings, 5:13, “And he (King Solomon) spoke of the trees from the cedar in Lebanon to the hyssop that grows out of the wall.” Shemot Raba 17:2
Although the hyssop might seem lowly and diminutive, it is actually of great significance.
In Parashat Bo, during the ‘Pesach Mitzrayim,’ the first Passover Sacrifice during the exodus from Egypt, the people of Israel were commanded to dip its blood with the hyssop from a basin and place it upon their front door posts. The seemingly unimportant hyssop plant was part of the process of the redemption from Egypt. The Midrash states that through the hyssop which is the lowest of plants, Israel was redeemed. Midrash Raba 17:2
It is also part of the procedure of the reunion of one smitten with the skin affliction of Tzaraat, with the community of Israel. After an enforced separation for seven days, a Kohen takes two birds, cedar wood, a crimson of wool, and hyssop. One bird is slaughtered in an earthenware vessel over spring water and the affected individual is sprinkled seven times with the blood. (Vayikra 14:5-8) In one case, the hyssop helps purify the individual Jew as part of a process in order to reunite with the community and in the other it helps purify the Jewish nation from the impurity of Egypt exile upon their exodus.
The Jews are a small nation but also one with a special message and purpose. The Midrash states, “Even though that you are lowly, (former enslaved nation), like the hyssop, the Torah states (at Mount Sinai) that “You are to Me treasured among the nations.” Shemot Raba 17:3
From an historical perspective: in a world of empires that rise and fall, the tiny Jewish nation, which is today just 0.2% of the current world’s population, survives and thrives despite all obstacles and challenges.
The Midrash also states that the hyssop, “Small and great are equal before Hashem and small things make miracles.”Shemot Raba 17:2 Small items like the hyssop also have important roles. Hashem determines what’s important. Appearances can be deceiving.
All is from Hashem. As Bnei Yisrael were exiting Egypt, a small appearing plant had a role in the observance of Passover that year and in the redemption; a small plant whose importance is immeasurable.
There is much to appreciate from the hyssop.