And after all, all of us need the mercies of heaven at all times,12
וְגַם, כִּי כּוּלָּנוּ צְרִיכִים לְרַחֲמֵי שָׁמַיִם בְּכָל עֵת,
[which are elicited] only through an arousal from below, at all times and at every moment,
בְּאִתְעָרוּתָא דִלְתַתָּא דַּוְקָא בְּכָל עֵת וּבְכָל שָׁעָה,
by arousing our compassion for those who are in need of compassion.
לְעוֹרֵר רַחֲמֵינוּ עַל הַצְּרִיכִים לְרַחֲמִים,
But whoever hardens his heart and suppresses his compassion, for whatever reason, causes the same above—the suppression of [Divine compassion], heaven forfend.
וְכָל הַמְאַמֵּץ לְבָבוֹ וְכוֹבֵשׁ רַחֲמָיו, יִהְיֶה מֵאֵיזֶה טַעַם שֶׁיִּהְיֶה – גּוֹרֵם כָּךְ לְמַעְלָה, לִכְבּוֹשׁ וְכוּ' חַס וְשָׁלוֹם.
All this, however, affects only the future. “And the present as well, causing one to give until the recipient is equal ‘with you.’” [Cf. footnote 7, above.] There is, however, an aspect of tzedakah that also affects the past, “causing one to give to an even greater degree than what he keeps for himself, since this is” to secure the rectification and atonement of his past sins.
After all, furthermore, “There is not a righteous person upon earth who does good”13—always—“and does not sin,”
וּמַה גַּם, "כִּי אָדָם אֵין צַדִּיק בָּאָרֶץ אֲשֶׁר יַעֲשֶׂה טּוֹב – תָּמִיד – וְלֹא יֶחֱטָא",
and tzedakah atones14 and protects against misfortune and the like.15
וְהַצְּדָקָה מְכַפֶּרֶת וּמְגִינָּה מִן הַפּוּרְעָנוּת וְכוּ',
[Charity] is thus an actual cure for body and soul,16
וְלָזֹאת הִיא רְפוּאַת הַגּוּף וְנֶפֶשׁ מַמָּשׁ,
12. The Rebbe adds, “…with regard to: (a) the present, (b) for his children and health as well.” [I.e., for the remaining two items in the trilogy of חיי, בני ומזוני; cf. Moed Kattan 28a.]
14. See Devarim Rabbah 5:3.
15. See Vayikra Rabbah, beginning of sec. 27.
16. See Tanchuma, Mishpatim, sec. 15.
17. Job 2:4. See also Iggeret Hateshuvah, end of ch. 3.