IDF troops (archive)
IDF troops (archive)IDF Spokesperson's Unit

The IDF, Border Police, and Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) forces carried out a counterterrorism operation in the Palestinian Arab village of Qabatiya near Jenin.

On Friday evening, the IDF and Shin Bet said in a joint statement that, after 12 hours, the operation in Qabatiya had concluded.

During the operation, the forces arrested eight wanted individuals.

Additionally, the forces worked to map the homes of the three terrorists responsible for the shooting attack that took place this week in Funduq, in which three Israelis were murdered, ahead of the demolition of the homes.

“Security forces will continue to act to thwart terrorism and protect the residents of the State of Israel,” the statement said.

Sergeant Elad Yaakov Winklestein, Rachel Cohen and Aliza Rize were murdered in Monday’s attack.

Winklestein, 35, a father of two, was an investigator at the Ariel police station. He is survived by his wife and two children.

Cohen, 73, was an educational guidance counselor and the mother of five daughters. Rize, whose surprise 70th birthday party was planned for next week, was also a guidance counselor and one of the founders of Kedumim. The two women were close friends.

The Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorist organizations on Wednesday claimed joint responsibility for the Funduq shooting attack.

Hamas’ military wing said in a statement that Jaafar Dababsah, a released prisoner and Hamas commander, was the mastermind behind the attack.

(Israel National News' North American desk is keeping you updated until the start of Shabbat in New York. The time posted automatically on all Israel National News articles, however, is Israeli time.)