לזכות רפואה שלימה אחינו כל בית ישראל הנתונים בצרה ובשביה
This week’s Parshah continues the story of Yosef, and his rising from the ashes of an Egyptian prison to the rank of Viceroy, second only to Pharaoh. The Possuk states, after Yosef had successfully interpreted the dreams of Pharaoh, and alerted him to the need of preserving provisions for the upcoming years of famine, that Yosef tells Pharaoh [Bereishit 41’ 33’]:
“Accordingly, let Pharaoh find someone who’s discerning and wise, whom you can set over the land of Egypt [to safeguard the provisions].”
Yosef offers that only one who is “discerning and wise”----should become the overseer of the supplies. The Chida, in the Sefer Nachal Kedumim, compares this Possuk to a verse found in Sefer Devarim [4’ 6’], which describes Moshe’s exhortations to the Jewish people to perform the Mitzvot:
“Observe them faithfully, for that will be proof of your wisdom and discernment to other peoples, who on hearing of all these laws will say, “Surely, that great nation is a wise and discerning people.”
Chida highlights the obvious discrepancy between the two Pesukim–Yosef suggests that one who is discerning and wise should be appointed in charge; the Possuk predicting the positive regard that the nations of the world will have for the Jews who follow the Mitzvot reverses that order, and states that the Jews will make a wonderful impression as a “wise and discerning people”. Why the difference?
Chida explains, that there are two ways to find wisdom in our physical existence; one can investigate, as a Scientist might, by noticing a problem, and then poking around in various theories and hypotheses until stumbling upon portions of the truth. When one objectively looks at the course of human history, one can find no shortage of “facts” that can exist for decades or hundreds of years in the minds of scientists, only for those seemingly undebatable points to be proven completely false. A wonderful example of this would be the near universal belief of the world being flat, which was disproven in spectacular fashion [although some celebrities and borderline anti-Semitic basketball stars may disagree with this statement; perhaps that may explain their willingness to bend the knee to insane theories of anti-Semitism, but I digress]. Knowledge of this sort follows a pattern of discernment, or noticing a discrepancy, and then, eventual wisdom. This is the domain of Atheists and those who scoff at our Religious beliefs–and this is why, when Yosef is talking to Pharaoh, a pagan and polytheistic devotee, Yosef states the qualities in that order.
However, when the Jews follow the Torah, in all of its splendor and beauty, the Nations of the World notice that there is already an ultimate truth and wisdom that exists in its laws and guidance. That wisdom can lead to discernment, and an ability to study and gain TRUE insight into the world and its happenings—but the core of it, the wisdom, is ready and apparent to those who dedicate themselves to its path with sincere devotion. Hence, in describing a future where the Jewish people are properly clinging to the path of the Torah, the Nations will react “Surely, that great nation is a wise and discerning people–” with an emphasis on the fact that the Jews are wise in the truest sense of the word, and only secondarily are the Jews called “discerning”.
This message has very poignant meaning during the times of Chanukah, especially the year after October 7th. When pushed into a corner, rather than fade meekly away, the Jewish spirit, the core of our Nation’s universal soul, always shines brighter, and instead of shunning the religion that has led to death and suffering for so many of our people, since the times of Chanukah and even before—the struggle for our National existence inspires our Nation to come closer to Hashem and His Torah.
Dedicated in memory of all those who have perished and sacrificed for Am Yisrael.
Have a Great Shabbas.