PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas
PA chairman Mahmoud AbbasFlash 90

The Palestinian Authority (PA) cabinet is intensifying its activities in the legal and international arenas to thwart what it describes as “the Israeli annexation” of 46,000 dunams of land since the beginning of this year, including 24,000 dunams of state lands.

At the conclusion of the PA cabinet’s weekly meeting in Ramallah, it was announced that it had enlisted eight Israeli law firms to represent Palestinian Arab residents affected by Israeli policies in approximately 3,000 cases before Israeli courts.

The statement also noted that 2023 saw an unprecedented wave of Israeli land seizures, amounting to around 50,000 dunams, in addition to the demolition of structures and the seizure of properties in eastern Jerusalem. On these matters, the Palestinian Authority is engaging more than ten Israeli law firms.

In its statement, the PA cabinet said it is working to garner international support for measures to end "occupation crimes," ensure the entry of a greater number of aid trucks into the Gaza Strip, and implement the International Court of Justice's advisory opinion, which determined that the “occupation” is illegal and must be ended.