Tragedy in Morocco: grieving families are struggling to digest the magnitude of the tragedy that claimed the lives of their loved ones in a fatal road accident in Morocco last Friday.
Rabbi Shimon Teflinsky (33), who left behind eight orphans, was killed together with his younger brother, Yosef Chaim, who had not yet married.
"His seat in the study room remains empty. We lit candles there in his memory," recounted Teflinsky’s brother-in-law, Yerucham Gold, in an interview with Radio Kol Chai.
"He was a spiritual man, modest, who would get up in the middle of the night to study Torah. Thanks to him, we set up a Beit Midrash where learning continues day and night."
Rabbi Teflinsky’s widow shared that on Shabbat she still hoped her husband would return home. She said, “Maybe he'll knock on the door soon,” thinking it was something he would do," her brother-in-law recounted in a choked voice.
Rabbi Natan Shapira (36), Yisrael Meir Shasha (25), and Moshe Gallant (18) were also killed in the fatal accident. "It's a terrible disaster, it’s difficult to grasp the magnitude of the tragedy," said Gold. "We are still before stage one of dealing with everything – the funerals will take place tomorrow in Israel."
The funerals for the five victims will take place tomorrow – one in Meron and the other in Tzfat.