A US official who visited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office this week was surprised to discover an unusual display placed in a central location in the office: A rare set of "Tanya" volumes, printed in various cities in Lebanon during the First Lebanon War.
The books were printed in Tyre, Sidon, and Beirut, as per the instructions of the late Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. They were gifted to the Prime Minister by Rabbi Yosef Yizchak Hacohen Aharonov, the head of the "shlichut" (emissary) operations in Israel.
The set is now placed at the foot of the famous map of the Middle East, which Netanyahu uses for his strategic briefings.
Speaking with Rabbi Aharonov, the US source asked about the significance and the spiritual meaning of the Tanya volumes.
"The books of Tanya which were printed in Lebanon, during great danger and with enormous efforts, are today continuing to have an effect," the rabbi explained."Their central position in the Prime Minister's Office expresses their spiritual strength and the blessing that they bring to the nation of Israel."
Rabbi Aharonov also explained that among Chabad-Lubavitch hasidim, as well as those close to Netanyahu, the prominent place the books have taken sends a deep message regarding the integration of spirituality and policies.
"The books' symbolic location next to the map of the Middle East - Netanyahu's central tool during his strategic briefings - sends an important message: The connection between faith and spirituality and making diplomatic and security decisions," he explained. "The story of the books of Tanya, and the way in which they are integrated into the Prime Minister's Office, continues to raise awareness and arouse inspiration among Israel's visitors and allies around the world."