Don't mess with Israel.
As a result of their ill-advised breach of Israel's sovereign border and ensuing carnage, the Philistines (sorry for the anachronism but that's how they 'identify' and call themselves when they don't claim to be Canaanites or Jebusites, all three having disappeared from history) set off a flood. Not their wishful-sthinking flood to eradicate Israel but well and truly the flood of destruction that their murderous sins deserve. Now overflowed with devastation ‒ and their brainless leaders (literally) having already taken their one-way ticket to the afterlife ‒ this self-defeating barbaric society looks quite stupid, doesn’t it? After going BOOM in Israel, their flood BOOMeranged in their faces. Look at them now. Great strategists aren't they?!
"You are free to do whatever you want but you are not free of the consequences."
These philistines messed with Israel one time too many. These cocky amateurs whose only strength is to attack the faint and weary from behind have been beaten at their own game. They should have known better. The problem is that they passed on ignorance from father to son so they never learn. The joke is now on them ‒ again.
"The LORD stretches out his hand, the helper will stumble [IRAN], and he who is helped will fall [Hamas/Hezbollah], and they will all perish together." (Isaiah 31.3)
The good side of October 7th, if any, is that it blew the masks off the face of hypocrites, whether in academia, politics or 'regular' citizens the world over. We can now see people for who they really are: those belonging to Light, and the rest, the LEFTovers: the double-standard heartless majority, the half-witted mob driven by bloodlust who settle for half-truths and wallow in sadistic deeds.
Yes, masks are at last falling, even in Israel. Haaretz's media mogul Amos Schocken's recent perfidious speech against his own people in London attests to it. His discourse is beyond any margin of error, it is pure malice. A performance worthy of Gazawood. Hitler couldn't have phrased such twisted hateful rhetoric better. With such an owner, no wonder Haaretz snivels about the Nakba instead of rejoicing during Israel's Independence Day celebrations. One has to wonder if Schocken is on Khomeinei's payroll. Shouldn't he wear a kaffiyeh and send his kids in Ramallah so they may polish their hatred towards their fellow Israelis?
Mr Schocken and his ilk are victimizing Satan, turning him into a freedom fighter. Yep, let's listen to them and turn Israeli towns over to Hamas' Neanderthal freedumb fighters so that everyone's lot may improve. While on the subject, they could maybe explain to us how the Bataclan, 9/11, the Madrid Train Bombing and October 7th contributed to improving our lives. The trouble with these morons is that they either suffer from ADHD, have a hearing problem or are plainly incapable of reading correctly:
The Flood isGENESIS 7.10, not GENOCIDE 7.10.
Marc 'Edge' Doyon is with Légende Communication, Quebec, Canada, where he is a computer graphic artist specializing in visual communication.