For them, no tv reports. No front pages. No resolution from the UN Palace of Nations in Geneva. No protests in front of the embassies. No student camps. Perhaps the head of a decapitated Christian woman really doesn’t make a sound when it rolls, not even when it’s cut off by her brother in odium fidei.
“When Africans die by the hundreds of thousands in Sudan or Congo, no one bats an eyelid. In a certain progressive mythology, the Palestinian is our last noble savage, innocent even when he kills and slaughters. He is the great Christological icon whose beatification process has been ongoing for fifty years. Hearing members of Hamas, Hezbollah and their supporters shout ‘Allahu Akbar’ and propose to eradicate Jews, Christians and infidels throughout the world makes your blood run cold”.
So writes Pascal Bruckner in the weekly Le Point.
And to know that the West is not batting an eyelid it is enough to see the horrible news coming from the state of Borno, in the north-east of Nigeria.
Four Christians were beheaded by the Islamic terrorists of Boko Haram, who also released a video. In the video, a terrorist announces that one of the people he beheaded was his younger sister! “She is part of the infidels that we will annihilate today,” he said. He continued by saying that he would have done the same if it had been his mother or his son, anyone “who goes against our religion.” Before killing the people in the video he said: “Wherever there is an infidel, we will go and execute him.”
“The West hides its head in the sand,” wrote left-wing intellectual Jacques Julliard. “For my part, having spent much of my life as an activist in the defense of Muslim populations (Tunisia, Algeria, Bosnia, Darfur), I have been able to see that, every time it has been necessary to do so for Christians (Lebanon, South Sudan), we have seen, with few exceptions, human rights professionals distance themselves. A sort of new type of cultural Yalta is being established: in the East, the monopoly of a single, increasingly intolerant religion, Islam; in the West, pluralism, tolerance and secularism”.
No NGO denounces these massacres. These black Christians are increasingly distant, as if their faith were a hindrance in the name of the woke that never points the finger at the discrimination perpetrated by Muslims.
So when the right in the German Bundestag proposed the introduction of an “International Day against the Persecution of Christians,” the focus on the persecution of Christians by Islamists met with criticism from the left, which condemned the “anti-Islamic tendencies” of this motion.
The truth itself offends.
“Confronting the Myth of Religious Indifference in Nigerian Terror,” a 136-page report released by the African Religious Freedom Watch on August 29, found that Muslim terrorists massacred 16,769 Christians in the four years between 2019 and 2023 alone.
In all the rankings of persecuted Christians, 13 of the first 15 countries are Islamic (the others are communist dictatorships). But we have the Day Against Islamophobia at the United Nations and the Council of Europe has also established one.
For many years, a jihad of genocidal proportions has been declared against the African Christian population, even as the Western media and governments whistle.
But more than the executioners, I fear their serial justifiers among us, in the Western part of the new Yalta. The fine people among writers, academics and intellectuals (including some ultra-progressive Nobel Prize winners, liquid philosophers like Judith Butler and left-wing Italian academics) who this week announced that they will boycott Israeli culture.
Benedict Kiely, the founding priest of Nasarean, an organization that helps persecuted Christians, met with people who had fled ISIS. An elderly priest grabbed Kiely’s hand and said:
“Be careful, be very careful. What happened here will come to you.” They will come and not knock, as they did in 2023, on the 7th of October.