Reuters confirmed last night that Iran's ability to continue and develop special fuel for the missiles has been significantly damaged.
Meanwhile, senior Iranian officials told the New York Times that the attack caused great concern in Tehran about further attacks in the future.
At a site in Parchin, based on an analysis by the ISIS organization, they reported that in the Israeli attack a site called "Taleghan 2" was affected, which was previously suspected of conducting experiments related to Iran's nuclear weapons program.
An expert who spoke with Reuters said that it is likely that the damage caused "will harm Iran's ability to produce advanced ballistic missiles like those used in attacks on Israel on October 1".
In satellite images published yesterday, after the Israeli attack in Iran, direct hits were seen at a secret Iranian base in Parchin, about 30 kilometers east of Tehran. In recent years, the secret Iranian base has been dubbed a "security facility", where research and development of missiles and suicide drones is conducted, among other things.
Yesterday, the Saudi site Ilaf, known as a site with good sources in Israel, reported that Israel destroyed a large number of fuel mixers, each worth at least two million dollars. Sources familiar with the Iranian missile industry told the Saudi site that it would take at least two years to restore the plant to activity.