The Iranian Foreign Ministry on Saturday condemned Israel's strike, claiming it to be a violation of international law, Tasnim reported.
Quoting the UN Charter's Article 51, the Ministry reaffirmed Iran's right to act in self-defense, the report added.
"On the basis of its inherent right to legitimate defense, stipulated in the Article 51 of the UN Charter, the Islamic Republic of Iran considers itself to be rightful and duty bound to defend against the foreign acts of aggression," the Ministry said.
The Ministry also emphasized that it will use all of the "physical and spiritual" abilities of Iran to protect the country's "interests and security."
The tensions in the Middle East are due to Israel's "occupation and illegal and criminal actions," especially against "Palestinians" and in Lebanon, the statement claimed.
The Ministry urged the international community to act to stop Israel's "genocidal crimes, war, and aggression against Gaza and Lebanon," Tasnim added.
Meanwhile, an "informed source" told Tasnim that Iran is "ready to retaliate against Israeli aggression," adding that Iran "reserves its right to respond to any act of aggression."
The source stressed, "There is no doubt that Israel will receive the appropriate response to any move" against Iran.
Earlier Iranian officials warned that Iran's response to any Israeli attack would be "harsh, proportional and well-calculated," the site noted.