Rabbi David Katz
Rabbi David KatzArutz Sheva

As the Jewish community prepares to celebrate during Hakafos, many struggle to find joy amidst devastating attacks, relentless terror, and unrelenting hardships. The memories of brave soldiers' ultimate sacrifices, innocent lives lost, shattered families, and countless individuals struggling to heal from unimaginable suffering are still fresh. The pain feels insurmountable, leaving many wondering: Can we truly celebrate during such difficult times?

A profound lesson from the past offers guidance. Grand Rabbi Yakov Yosef Twersky, the revered previous Skvere Rebbe, experienced unimaginable tragedy when he lost his young daughter Malkah in Bucharest, Romania in September 1946. Malkie was married for less than two years to Grand Rabbi Mordechai Hager of Viznitz, Monsey, New York. After the Hakafoth that year less then 30 days of her passing the Rebbe danced with great happiness and joy, as if nothing had happened. His wife, Rebbitzen Trane, asked how he could find joy in dance after such a loss.

The Rebbe's response was illuminating: "We never dance for the past; we dance for the future. During Elul and Tishrei, we seek forgiveness, turn the page, and embark on a renewed journey. We dance for a radiant future, fueled by hope and resilience." This wisdom teaches us to focus on the future, release past sorrow, and seek forgiveness and renewal. By embracing this mindset, we can transform our pain into purpose and find strength in our faith, even in the darkest of times.

In reflecting on our own struggles, we can internalize this lesson. Amidst pain and hardship, we acknowledge our sorrow, seek forgiveness, and look forward to a brighter future, united in faith and hope.

May we find solace in the Rebbe's words and draw strength from our collective resilience. As we celebrate during Hakafos, may our dancing and faith bring comfort, hope, and protection to Am Yisrael.

Rabbi David Katz is the Executive Director Israel Heritage Foundation.