D Day Allied soldiers
D Day Allied soldiersJeff Dunetz

The D-Day landings in Normandy, code-named Operation Overlord, had to have been the most improbable military operation in history. The first recorded use of the term was Field Order Number 9, First Army, American Expeditionary Forces, dated 7 September 1918: "The First Army will attack at H-Hour on D-Day with the object of forcing the evacuation of St. Mihiel salient

The Allies were trying to force a breach in the defenses of what was effectively not only an enemy country but an enemy continent with their beach landings. Entire new models of boats and tanks were designed for an operation that would see an entire army shipped over the Channel, with little recourse possible if they could not break through and hold territory on the other side of Hitler’s Atlantikwall.

Now, turn your attention to another beachhead assault being made, one without a trace of the nobility of Allied soldiers embarking on the mission to breach the Nazi’s European fortress: the Islamist-Leftist assault on the democratic world’s culture. Politics flows out from culture, as Andrew Breitbart explained: the kind of people being governed will inevitably shape the kind of government that rules over them. Governments that don’t bend to their population’s shape- like the Soviets, or the British Mandate over Israel, or the French monarchs -tend to be burst open trying to contain them.

So, if you wanted to burst open a government- what better way to do it than change the shape of the population that it controls? Propaganda is a powerful tool for shaping the minds of the masses, and social media makes it easier to disperse than ever.

Iranian puppeteers and their terrorist hounds in Gaza, Yemen and Lebanon all flood Facebook, Instagram and TikTok with videos and photos glorifying their armies. This is only one aspect, though- social media is the most ephemeral of the weapons being deployed in this beachhead.

Consider the protests- the marches and encampments. For weeks they were a subject of outrage. But what happened afterwards? They became the source of eye-rolls and resigned “oy”s, perhaps embittered remarks about how somebody ought to do something.

Think about how Israeli products- or, rather, any products that “pro-Palestine” (mostly, anti-Jewish) groups could find even tangential ties to Israel in -were labeled as though contaminated by protesters walking through supermarkets with rolls of ‘warning stickers’. This was a panic for a minute, and then accepted as juvenile troublemaking.

Humans have a surprising ability to adapt to change; it is un-adapting that is the issue.

This beachhead is boosted by another factor: a growing culture of Western self-loathing. A generation raised on belief in a Christian-like Original Sin that is impossible to atone for of being born in a country guilty of colonialism, imperialism, racism, misogyny, homophobia and probably other things is a bad enough start if you expect the cultural mainstream to have a spine in the face of the Islamist onslaught.

Add to that, specifically in America, the stinging futility of the attempted war in Afghanistan, still embedded deeply in their cultural conscience, and you have people who will crawl over broken glass to kiss the ground beneath the boots of whichever radical Islamist tells them they can earn forgiveness through being part of the ‘resistance’- i.e., supporters of the murder, rape, abduction, torture and massacre of --- against Israel.

If this beachhead being launched by the enemies of the Jewish nation succeeds, Jew-hatred will become sanitized of meaning. It will be taken as a fact of life, a part of society. Trees grow, cars honk, trains run, and people chant for Jews to be murdered in their homes if they will not grovel for acceptance from a terrorist cult and their acolytes.

Under no circumstances can that be permitted.

There is no such thing as being overzealous in guarding against Jew-hatred: every single campaign, fundraiser, march, protest, rally or graffiti should be treated exactly as it is- incitement to murder Jews for being Jewish.

There are those who will whine that Jews should be ‘less sensitive’, and the answer for their tantrums is that the Jews who were not sensitive to when the dominant culture is being shaped against them by renegade extremists were the ones who didn’t leave Germany in time, or Russia, or Poland, Syria, Morocco, or Khaybar, G-d should avenge their blood.

The Western world will not have a Paul Revere to warn of this assault being mounted on it, because he would be arrested for hate speech. It is down to a peer-to-peer level- the people we speak with, work with, colleagues and friends -to spread the warning.

People must remember to keep their thoughts for themselves- because the agenda of the Islamist beachhead is itching to think people’s thoughts for them.