A 17-year-old boy was killed and a 20-year-old man was moderately injured in a collision between a bus and a private vehicle on Route 367 in Gush Etzion on Thursday evening.
Magen David Adom paramedics pronounced the teen dead at the scene, and evacuated the injured man to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem.
Firefighters had to extract the teen from the vehicle, after he was trapped in it.
Assistant Battalion chief Lihay ben Lulu described the handling of the difficult incident, saying, "When the crews arrived at the scene, they identified an accident between a bus and a private vehicle, with a person trapped in the private vehicle. The firefighters immediately began operations to rescue the person trapped using special hydraulic tools."
"This is a difficult and complex scene due to the nature of the injury, and as a result, the rescue operations were complex. Upon completion of the rescue operations, the medical officials pronounced the driver of the private vehicle dead. Also, according to the medical officials, the bus driver was taken to the hospital in moderate condition."