Minister Sofer and Rabbi Fass with Olim
Minister Sofer and Rabbi Fass with OlimNefesh B'Nefesh

Nefesh B’Nefesh, in partnership with Israel’s Ministry of Aliyah and Integration, The Jewish Agency for Israel, Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael, and JNF-USA, marked the conclusion of a successful Aliyah season with a festive event for hundreds of its summer Olim.

Over 100 Olim received their Teudot Zehut at the celebration which reduced the need for them to travel to their local Ministry of Interior branch, while also enjoying a variety of activities and a special performance by the Moshav band.

Minister of Aliyah and Integration, Ofir Sofer and Minister of Interior, Moshe Arbel together with Co-Founder and Executive Director of Nefesh B’Nefesh, Rabbi Yehoshua Fass, met with the Olim and welcomed them to their new homes. The Olim were met by Nefesh B’Nefesh advisors who provided information and post-Aliyah guidance services as well as employment assistance on professional opportunities in Israel. Ministry of Aliyah and Integration staff was on hand to provide information on benefits for new immigrants and senior citizens’ rights, and in addition, a representative of the Ministry of Education helped parents navigate Israel’s educational system.

Over 1550 Olim have made Aliyah between June and August, with an additional 700 newcomers expected to arrive by the end of the month.