Memorial candle
Memorial candleiStock

Hundreds attended the funeral of Mordechai Abuhav, a Yeshiva student from Bnei Brak, who died on Wednesday night. He was only 18 years old.

Abuhav returned at the beginning of the week from a hiking trip with friends in the north. When he returned home, he said that he did not feel well. Throughout the night his body temperature gradually increased, until he suddenly collapsed and lost consciousness.

He was rushed to Sheba Hospital in Tel Hashomer, where he was diagnosed with brain edema.

For two days he lay in the hospital sedated and ventilated, while the doctors fought for his life. However, despite all efforts, and to the despair of his family and friends, he passed away.

The family says that this is the second tragedy in the family during the “bein hazmanim” period, after the deceased’s uncle drowned during this period twenty years ago.