Antisemitism at World Cup
Antisemitism at World CupREUTERS

Leonie Ben-Simon is a freelance journalist with an MBA from Monash University, Victoria Australia.

We are witnessing hordes of new Aliyah Shlichim (emissaries, influencers) throughout the world, all intent upon gathering Jews everywhere and sending them off to Israel. They are not Israeli, nor are they Jews. They are doing a job that they themselves do not understand.

As antisemitism rears its ugly head everywhere from European France to the end of the earth in Australia, and even in the Golden Medina of the USA, Jews are finding life very uncomfortable. Members of parliaments, leaders of local government, congresswomen and the man in the street all open their mouths and often their fists saying what has been unsaid since the end of the Second World War. Antisemitism had gone into the closet after the Holocaust, but the door has been opened.

And all of this is backed by much of the media.

Sometimes the words are “The Jews”, occasionally there are phrases such as “The Rothschilds are running the economies of the world – don’t you know?” and blatant calls for attacking Jews, but usually it is anti-Zionism, the new catchword. The Israelis are "committing genocide." Those accusers have forgotten about the millions of civilians killed by bombs in the Second World War, in Vietnam and more.

The protests about what is happening in Gaza are not about the million starving people in Sudan. They are not standing up in the streets and monopolising media attention about the war on Ukraine and certainly not about the Uyghurs in China. Their concerns are only about Israel’s defensive war against Gaza and about the Jews (Zionists) of the world, backed by the United Nations.

Maybe that is a good thing, a cloud with a silver lining. It is written in the Torah about ingathering of the exiles which is actually happening now as the French Jews are making Aliyah, many others all over the world are now considering moving and as Jews of almost all other countries in the world have been forced to leave for thousands of years.

This is actually working in our interests. Maybe those who are die-hard antisemites are doing us all a favour as they act as Aliyah Shlichim (emissaries) forcing more and more Jews worldwide to move to the Land of Israel.