Making Aliyah
Making AliyahFlash 90

You don't have to be a prophet to know that the coming year in America is likely to witness havoc on college campuses throughout the country; another attempted political assassination; rampage in the streets; Kristallnacht 2; perhaps even a giant stock market collapse; and cancellation of El Al flights to the United States.

What are the Jews waiting for? While Nefesh B’Nefesh reports an increase in the number of Aliyah files which have been opened since the start of the War in Gaza, it comes to a miniscule amount when compared with the millions of American Jews who haven’t given NBN a call. Nor are the Rabbis in America or the secular Jewish leadership raising their voices in the name of Aliyah.

Why? Seeing the situation in America for what it is, many Rabbis in Israel and political leaders, including the Prime Minister, have issued warnings to American Jewry, declaring that the future of the Jewish People is here in the Jewish Homeland and not in alien Gentile lands. Why do we in Israel see the danger so clearly while the Jews of America and their Jewish leadership seem not to feel it?

To answer, we will quote the words of HaRav Issachar Shlomo Teichtel, author of the book “Eim HaBanim Semeichah.” A fierce anti-Zionist and leader of the Haredi community in Hungary, he realized his error when he was forced to go into hiding during the Holocaust. In his book, an encompassing Halakhic examination of the mitzvah to live in the Land of Israel, he concludes that the horrors of his time were the result of the failure of the Jewish People to heed the Torah’s call to return to the Land of Israel. He writes:

“Therefore, those who hold fast to previous beliefs on this matter will not see the truth and will not concede to our words. All the evidence in the world will not affect them, for they are smitten with blindness and their inner biases cause them to deny even things which are as clear as day. Who amongst us is greater than the Spies in the Wilderness? The Torah testifies that they were upstanding individuals (Rashi, BaMidbar 13:3).

"Nonetheless, since they were influenced by their desire for honor and rule, they rejected the desirable Land and led others astray, setting the foundation for the bitter exiles from the Land, as Chazal explain. Yehoshua and Calev began to argue with them and attempted to prove the authenticity of Moshe and his Torah, proclaiming, “Let us ascend at once” (BaMidbar 13:30). They even brought lengthy arguments and proofs to show that Israel would succeed [in entering the Land], as Rashi states. Nevertheless, they were unable to convince them [the Spies], for the Spies were prejudiced by hidden motives” (see the Zohar, Vayishlach, 3:158A; and the “Shelah” Shnei Luchot HaBrit, Torah SheBichtav - Shelach, 2:68a, s.v. “be’inyan”; and the book “Mesillat Yesharim (Ch.19 on Hasidut).

HaRav Teichtal continues:

“The same holds true in our times even among Rabbis, Rebbes and Chassidim. This one has a good rabbinical position; this one is an established Admore and this one has a profitable business or factory, or a prestigious job which provides great satisfaction. They are afraid that their status will decline if they go to Eretz Yisrael. People of this sort are influenced by their deep-rooted selfish motives to such an extent that they themselves do not realize that their prejudice speaks on their behalf. They will not be convinced to accept the truth, even if they are shown thousands of proofs from the Torah.”

Unfortunately, as Rabbi Teichtal predicted, his strident calls for Aliyah were ignored. He himself was killed while being transported to a death camp. Whatever lies in store for the Jews of America, the future does not seem to be good. Better that they wake up now and listen to the heartfelt call of their brothers and sisters in Israel pleading with them to come home.

Tzvi Fishman was awarded the Israel Ministry of Education Prize for Jewish Culture and Creativity. Before making Aliyah to Israel in 1984, he was a successful Hollywood screenwriter. He has co-authored 4 books with Rabbi David Samson, based on the teachings of Rabbis A. Y. Kook and T. Y. Kook. His other books include: "The Kuzari For Young Readers" and "Tuvia in the Promised Land". His books are available on Amazon. Recently, he directed the movie, "Stories of Rebbe Nachman."