נשיא רוסיה ולדימיר פוטין
נשיא רוסיה ולדימיר פוטיןצילום: רויטרס

It may come as a surprise to some readers, but close to 15 percent of Israel’s population, nearly 1.5 million people, are Russian citizens. This significant presence of Russian nationals in Israel raises a question one must ask: How is it possible for Russia to support terror groups, Iran or individuals who are actively trying to destroy and murder its own citizens, rather than denouncing such actions and protecting its own people?

It is evident the percentage of Russian citizens in Israel represents the largest population of any government in the world whose citizens hold residence in another country. This fact not only highlights the responsibility Russia has to protect its citizens in Israel but automatically positions Israel as a sister state that Russia should seek to protect and fight for if attacked.

The duty of any government is to protect its citizens from harm, both domestically and internationally. By aligning itself with Iran and its proxies, Russia is essentially putting its own people at risk.

The alliance between Russia and these terrorist organizations goes against the principles of international relations and poses a grave danger to the Russian population. By providing support to groups that have actively targeted and killed Russian civilians, Putin is failing in his duty to protect his own people.

What’s Driving Putin:m

It is a well-known tactic in international politics to divert attention away from one's own actions by shifting the focus onto another party. In the case of Russia's involvement in Ukraine, it seems that President Putin has been using Israel as a scapegoat to distract the world from his own aggressive actions.

By inciting condemnation and criticism towards Israel for alleged human rights violations, Putin is able to draw attention away from Russia's military intervention in Ukraine. This diversion allows Russia to carry out its own agenda in Ukraine without facing the same level of scrutiny and backlash that Israel receives.

By directing global criticism towards Israel, Putin is able to divert attention away from Russia's own violations of international law and human rights in Ukraine.

Putin's manipulation of world attention towards Israel as a violator of human rights serves as a convenient distraction for Russia's own aggressive actions in Ukraine.

By portraying Israel as the primary aggressor in the region, Putin effectively creates a scapegoat for his own geopolitical ambitions. The international community becomes preoccupied with condemning Israel, leaving Russia free to pursue its agenda in Ukraine with minimal scrutiny.

This strategy not only allows Putin to evade accountability for his actions in Ukraine, but also undermines the credibility of global human rights advocacy. By exploiting the focus on Israel, Putin effectively neutralizes potential backlash against Russia, creating a narrative that enables his continued aggression to be unchecked.

It is clear that Putin is using Israel as a scapegoat to deflect attention away from his own actions in Ukraine.

It is crucial for Putin and his administration to reevaluate their alliances and priorities, and take swift and decisive action to ensure the safety and security of all Russian citizens. Anything less is a betrayal of their fundamental duty to protect their own people.

Duvi Honig is founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Orthodox Jewish Chamber Of Commerce