Italy’s schools avoid teaching Dante: “He offends Islam”

The world has lost its mind. Italy is just one example. It is so liberal that its students can call to kill Jews, but no one dares write a word against Islam. Op-ed.

Giulio Meotti
Giulio Meottiצילום: עצמי

Today the “Divine Comedy” could certainly no longer be written.

How long will we be able to read it?

Muslim middle school students are now exempt from taking lessons on the Divine Comedy. This is happening in Treviso, Italy.

In 1990, the English novelist Anthony Burgess said that Salman Rushdie's “The Satanic Verses”, which earned him a death sentence, were nothing compared to Dante's “Divine Comedy”. “Pure dynamite,” said Burgess.

Then, ten years ago, there was a request from "Gherush92", an organization of researchers consulting with the United Nations, for the “Divine Comedy” to be removed from school curricula due to its racism and "Islamophobia".

The prestigious Yale University Press removed a famous reproduction of Muhammad in Hell by Gustave Doré.

And a new Dutch translation of the “Divine Comedy” eliminated Muhammad so as not to be “unnecessarily offensive.” The translator removed the words about Muhammad. “In Dante, Muhammad suffers a cruel and humiliating fate, only because he is the precursor of Islam,” says publisher Myrthe Spiteri. Dante depicted Muhammad in the circle of schismatics as a puppet split in half.

And given that in Italy we now include Ramadan among the holidays in a Milanese school, that the Koran is read in the schools of Piemonte, that a school in Modena has organized Islamic culture courses, that in Forlì a school has canceled a music lesson for the presence of Muslims, that schools in Carpi have exempted Muslim students from swimming lessons, that in Venice a school has canceled Jesus from a song, what should we expect?

Italy is full of statues dedicated to the supreme "Islamophobe": what to do? Deface them or break them down like the woke idiots did to Columbus and Lincoln in America? And what to do with the schools named after Dante? Bombing as the Taliban did in Afghanistan?

Progressives are very dangerous and the best allies of the Islamists. One day, they will regret it. If they are not cancelled earlier.
