After spending ten days in Iraq and Syria with the Islamic State, Jürgen Todenhöfer, a German journalist, provided a summary of the ideology that animated them. “One day we will conquer Europe, the question is not if we will do it, but when, for us, it is obvious,” a German jihadist who spoke on behalf of the ISIS command told him. “Our expansion will be perpetual and the Europeans must know that when we come, it will not be beautiful, it will be with our weapons, and those who do not convert to Islam or who do not pay the Islamic tax will be killed,” the terrorist said.
And if they refuse to convert, Todenhöfer questions? “150 million, 200 million or 500 million, it doesn't matter. We will kill them all,” replies the jihadist, who then justifies the enslavement of non-Muslims. “They are preparing for the biggest religious cleansing in history,” concludes the German journalist.
We didn't take ISIS seriously and we saw how it ended.
Sunni or Shiite, the Islamic apocalypse is a serious matter and should be taken as such. Instead, we Westerners think we live in a candy pink world.
In 2015, Khamenei ordered the Revolutionary Guards to release a video showing Muslim soldiers looking at Jerusalem and preparing to conquer it. The sequence opens with close-ups of four soldiers with covered faces as they lace up their boots and prepare their weapons. The coats of arms of the Iranian Guards, Hamas and Hezbollah are visible on the uniforms. The shot widens to show the group of fighters on a hill as they survey Jerusalem and the al Aqsa Mosque waiting for the attack. The clip bears the title “Preparation for the complete destruction of Israel by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards”.
In 2017 there was the inauguration of a digital clock in a square in Tehran, appropriately renamed “Palestine Square”. It does not indicate the time. Instead, it counts the days until the destruction of Israel.
In 2020, Khamenei shared a poster on his website: it shows people celebrating in the Temple Mount compound in Jerusalem after they capture it, and a Palestinian flag rising over the al Aqsa mosque. “Final solution,” says the text. The “final solution to the Jewish question” is the expression used by the Nazis at the Wannsee Conference which planned the extermination of eleven million Jews (the Nazis managed to incinerate six of them).
The Supreme Leader of Iran has published a book entitled “Palestine” in which he explains the destruction of the “Zionist regime”. “Nabudi” (annihilate), “imha” (dissolve) and “zaval” (erase): the three words around which the project revolves ranian on Israel, referred to as “adou” (enemy) and “cancerous tumor.” Khamenei explains that his plan does not involve a "classical war", but a low intensity one that aims to "wear down" the resistance of the Israelis and the international community.
Khamenei recommends making life in Israel so difficult that Israelis are forced to leave to escape the threats looming over them. Khamenei describes the tactic of inducing the international community to "get fed up with Israel" until the West realizes that supporting the "Zionist project" is too costly and will abandon Israel.
This brings us to the Times investigation of recent days: Iran gave Hamas $222 million to destroy Israel.
Yet, if Voltaire's Candide the Naive had a passport today, it would undoubtedly be that of the West, this mega conglomerate of eternal children, accustomed to a gentle world, educated in a privileged and protected condition, immature and ultra-optimistic peoples , childish and bold, who in the face of Islamic fundamentalism find themselves vulnerable and defenseless, like puppies.
Now we think that the world is all like our good neighbor. As if luck and well-being had produced a civilization incapable of seeing the world for what it is, zoo animals in isolated and protected ecosystems that have never known predators and lost all self-defense mechanisms.
And for a sort of auto immune disease, we identify the enemy in the few among us who have retained the ability to smell danger and raise the alert. We are the beautiful souls that luck has deprived of the survival instinct.