Giulio Meotti
Giulio MeottiCourtesy

Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie and Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland are accused of "white supremacy". The two children's classics are being treated ike Hitler's Mein Kampf never was.

York St John University, England, has added a moral censure to the two books and Jules Verne's Around the World in Eighty Days. “Colonialist narratives,” say the academics. The vocabulary and illustrations are “racist,” “upsetting and offensive.” Peter Pan is lethal with references to “savages”. In Verne, Phileas Fogg travels across continents divided by imperial powers. Another university censored Peter Pan for its "gender stereotypes."

In a long essay in Quillette magazine it is explained that the fans of Islamic fundamentalists in our universities are not a minority nor an accident, but the heart of a monstrous barbarism that we cultivate within us.

And while we Westerners were busy censoring children's books as "racist" and shutting universities for Islamic holidays like in Italy, Saudi Arabia assumed the presidency of the UN Commission on Women's Rights. The Saudis were elected unanimously.

Strange? Not after seeing Iran assume the presidency of the UN Disarmament Forum.


But for the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, there is a "worldwide epidemic of Islamophobia" and the UN has thus adopted a resolution sponsored by Pakistan at the General Assembly on "measures to combat Islamophobia". Forget the massacres of Jews and Christians. A "special envoy to fight Islamophobia" is now arriving at the UN.

The same United Nations that asked that the word "mankind" must be replaced with "humanity". Man must disappear.

The same United Nations that asked to go beyond the "stereotypes of men and women" to "create a more egalitarian world".

That is the same United Nations for which Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh worked as a teacher at UNRWA.

And again at the UN, Guterres ordered Western countries to pay reparations to the descendants of slaves. Even to the Christian slaves raided by the caliphs who ended up on the Arab and African markets? In Nigeria, Christian girls are sold for 2,000 naira, the Nigerian currency (equivalent to 10 euros). The NGO Free the Slaves estimates a profit of 1.6 billion dollars (an amount greater than the GDP of eight African countries) resulting from African slavery every year.

Algerian scholar Marc Chabel reveals that today "more than two million people in the Islamic world are in slavery."

But the West that feeds on Third Worldism, Hamassism and "Black Lives Matter" does not care about this slavery. An estimated 250,000 people live under slavery in Mali. It is estimated that in Mauritania 20 percent of the population is held as slaves. Domestic workers in Saudi Arabia are sold online in a slave market.

Meanwhile Ali Mahmud, photojournalist for the Associated Press (AP), won the Photo of the Year award. The winning photo captured the half-naked corpse of Israeli-German influencer Shani Louk transported by Hamas terrorists on October 7.


They gang-raped Shani and then beheaded her. She had taken part in the “Peace Festival” in Re'im. But she died not as a pacifist, but as a "Jewish infidel", together with 365 other Israeli peers. Shani will be identified by part of her skull: the rest of her body was not together with it.

For two months after October 7, representatives of the United Nations Agency for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women refused to meet with Israeli women.

In mid-November, UN Women released a short statement criticizing the “numerous reports of gender-based atrocities and sexual violence” perpetrated by Hamas.

On November 20, Miriam Schler, director of the Tel Aviv crisis center, accused international women's rights groups of "going out of their way to justify atrocities and rationalize rape."

The UK's Sisters Uncut say allegations of sexual assault on October 7 are "Islamophobic."

The National Women's Studies Association of the United States, while condemning gender violence in war, does not mention October 7.

The United Nations internationally observes the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Not a word about Hamas.

On March 4, five months after October 7, the United Nations releases a report on “clear and convincing evidence of sexual violence, rape, sexualized torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment” employed by Hamas.

“We are Allah, you are Satan,” the Taliban leader said when announcing the return to stoning women.

False. We Westerners care so much about the dignity of women that Saudi Arabia, the Taliban's ATM, will participate in Miss Universe, the Taliban are reopening the embassies of Afghanistan and Hamas is a paladin of rights at UN.

World upside down.

The new Alice is Agam Goldstein-Almog, a 17-year-old Israeli girl who was in the hands of Hamas for two months, who gave her a name taken from the Koran, "Salsabil", forced her to wear a full veil and a long dress, to always look at the ground and to recite Islamic prayers.

Welcome to the Wokeland of civilization deceivers, sharia scoundrels and the Mad Hatter West.

Giulio Meotti is an Italian journalist with Il Foglio and writes a twice-weekly column for Arutz Sheva. He is the author of 20 books, including "A New Shoah", that researched the personal stories of Israel's terror victims, published by Encounter. His writing has appeared in publications such as the Wall Street Journal, Gatestone Institute and Die Weltwoche. He is also a Middle East Forum Writing Fellow.