Tzvi Succot and Ahmad Tibi
Tzvi Succot and Ahmad TibiAvshalom Sassoni/Flash90 and Arutz Sheva

MK Tzvi Succot (Religious Zionism) on Wednesday evening spoke at a meeting of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, harshly criticizing MK Ahmad Tibi (Hadash-Ta'al) and the discrepancy between his statements in Hebrew and those in Arabic.

"There is a Hebrew Tibi and an Arabic Tibi," Succot noted. "Here he says nice words in Hebrew to the families of the hostages, and in Arabic he supports Hezbollah and Hamas."

"Among the incidents: Tibi's 'martyr speech,' an interview in which he supports Hamas and Hezbollah, an interview in which he called [archterrorist] Marwan Barghouti 'the commander, the symbol, a fighter and a friend,' and many other expressions of support for terror.

"MK Tibi, there is a saying in Arabic: 'The dog of a sheikh is made into a sheikh.' The fact that you were [archterrorist Yasser] Arafat's adviser does not turn you into a somebody. You are a terror supporter and we will show the entire nation here the difference between Tibi in Hebrew and Tibi in Arabic, who goes out and supports terror."

Succot also called on the other MKs not to cooperate with Tibi: "Unfortunately, Tibi has been serving for decades as an MK in Israel, but gentlemen, this does not mean that anyone in this building needs to be his friend."

"Any deal with Tibi, any crack with this terror supporter who just last week said here on this podium that IDF soldiers 'are people who are committing genocide' and a 'moral embarrassment' - anyone who speaks with him and laughs with him here on the side of the horseshoe or at the committees is simply spitting in the faces of IDF soldiers.

"MK Tibi, we will yet erase your smile. In front of your eyes, the terror groups which you support will be defeated, one after the other, and in the end you, too, MK Tibi - we will remove you from the Knesset," he promised.