Recent reports from CNN and Al-Jazeera have highlighted the heart-wrenching story of Hala Khreis, a grandmother in Gaza allegedly murdered by Israeli soldiers. The story, featured on CNN, can be accessed through the following link.

This link was shared with me by an ex-Muslim Arab friend who, despite being supportive of Israel, was deeply disturbed by the notion of Israeli soldiers targeting defenseless grandmothers in Gaza.

Initially, like millions of viewers, I reacted with outrage and dismay: "Israeli soldiers targeting grandmothers!" However, recalling past instances designed to soil Israel's image, such as the video of Muhammad Al-Durrah's death during the Second Intifada, I couldn't shake off suspicions about the authenticity of this impeccably presented CNN report.

Given the saintly portrayal of grandmother Hala Khreis, several aspects of the report raise red flags, demanding a deeper investigation:

1. Hala Khreis' orphaned daughter, Sara, was interviewed in Istanbul by CNN. Considering that nearly 99% of Gazans are displaced within Gaza or are huddled near its borders, it's noteworthy that Sara, the central witness of this emotional narrative, had the privilege to travel to Turkey. Could this be a coincidence, or does it hint at the Khreis family's connections to Hamas, which also operates extensively from Turkey for propaganda purposes?

2. Sara, an 18-year-old who recently lost her mother, exhibits an unusual level of composure during the interview. Despite her tears and a trembling voice, her grief seems staged rather than spontaneous. One would expect a genuine display of distraught emotion from a young orphan, rather than what appears to be a calculated performance.

3. Sara's physical appearance is strikingly different from the typical Gazan. With fair skin and green eyes, she could easily be mistaken for a Northern European teenager sporting a hijab. Is this resemblance coincidental, or is it a deliberate tactic to evoke sympathy from European and American audiences, thereby heightening animosity towards Israel?

4. Sara reminisces about her mother preparing breakfast and offering Dhuhr prayers shortly before her death. However, Dhuhr prayers are typically offered around midday, suggesting that lunch, rather than breakfast, would have been served at noon. This discrepancy raises questions about the authenticity of Sara's recollections and of Sara herself.

Individually, these points may seem innocuous, but collectively, they suggest a narrative crafted to manipulate viewers' emotions and fuel anti-Israel sentiment. Whether CNN reporter Clarissa Ward was misled or complicit in perpetuating a potential smear campaign against Israel remains unclear.

It is imperative for Israeli intelligence agencies to conduct a thorough investigation into this story. Regardless of whether Hala Khreis was indeed murdered by IDF soldiers or by Hamas terrorists with the intent of defaming Israel, the perpetrators must be identified.

Moreover, should the investigation reveal malicious intent on CNN's part, legal action is warranted to hold Ms. Ward accountable for defamation and to secure compensation for the immense damage inflicted by this report upon Israel's image.

Rafael Castro, an independent political analyst specializing in Middle Eastern Affairs, can be contacted at rafaelcastro78.